Chapter 26

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As soon as we get to Damien's house, I get out of the car.

He hasn't even finished parking when I open the door and jump out, running for the door.

I ring the doorbell when I realize that the door is locked.

"Here," I hear Damien say from behind me.

He unlocks the door with a key and then pushes it open.

I rush past him, looking around the hall and kitchen before racing upstairs.

The whole place is thrashed.

I run straight to mine and Lily's room and shove the door open, finding cloths, trinklets and everything else scattered across the room. The crib is lying on the ground, on it's side.

I sink to the floor, sobbing into my hands.

After a few seconds, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

I shove them off quickly, spinning around to face Damien.

"You were supposed to protect her! That's why I moved into your house! Where are your men?! Where is all the security and protection she should've had?! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!?!" I scream, clutching his shirt and shaking him.

"She's my daughter too," Damien says.

He looks genuine.

"FUCK YOU!" I retort.

I storm out of the room and push open the other doors, searching for something, anything.

Each room looks the same.

Things tossed to the floor. Signs of struggle.

I spin around to face Damien again.

"Get my daughter back. NOW," I command, glaring at him, as though that'll bring Lily back.

"I will, Evelyn. I will," He promises.

"I want her here! In front of me! RIGHT. NOW." I yell.

"Eve, please," He says, trying to calm me down.

I shove him away and turn to the last door, the master bedroom.

I walk in, and find everything completely clean. Clean, save for the red writing on the wall across from me.

"Do as I said or you'll find your daughter without a head," I read, my voice shaking.

I move closer, forcing myself to study the pain.

No, not paint, I realize when I smell the faint hint of rust in the air.


I turn around and push past Damien, running back down, quickly trying to call Thalia one last time.

She doesn't pick up.

I run out of the house, not entirely sure what I'm doing.

I look up from my phone just as Dad's car comes down the street.

I'm already sobbing, wanting to know if he's heard anything.

I watch as the car come closer, looking at Dad through the window.

And then things go wrong, very, very quickly.

A car from the other side of the street zooms forward, faster that ever, crashing into Dad's car.

I can't hear anything. Can only watch as Dad's car flips over, and then skids across the road. I watch as the other car does a quick u-turn and speeds away.

A scream shatters out of me, a scream of terror and anguish.


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