Chapt 14 | goodbye

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(Millie's POV)

We made it to the hill side an hour later and all of us got out of the car. Y/n wasn't lying, it was absolutely beautiful.

"This looks amazing!" Sadie said with a huge smile on her face. "I know right", Y/n said as she grabbed her camera from the trunk.

"Millie and Noah will you pick some flowers for a few pictures?" Y/n asked Noah and I, "yeah sure", Noah said and we walked over to the field of flowers.

"When is she going to tell Sadie?" Noah asked me.

I sighed, "I don't know, hopefully sometime soo-" but then an idea popped into my mind. "What?" Noah asked.

"We can invite her back on set and set up a hang out/party with the cast and then she can confess! Or possibly Sadie can!!" I squealed.

"That's such a good idea!" Noah hummed. "And we can invite her mom as well!" I smiled and nodded.

(Sadie's POV)

Y/n was telling me about how I'd be standing, where I'd be standing and what we were gonna be doing. Even how long it should take.

I lost focus after she told me the time, she kept talking but I just focused on her beauty. I didn't realize I was staring until Millie tapped me on the shoulder.

"You seem a bit focused", I looked at her, my face flushed red. "N-no I'm not- she's just explaining things to me".

"Mhm sure, cause the way she looks is what she's explaining." I rolled my eyes and went back to Y/n.

"Oh great! Thank you Millie and Noah", she took the bouquet from Millie, "Millie will you get the black tarp from my car, then Sadie can lay on it".

"Yeah sure", he said and ran to the car, grabbing the tarp and laying it down where Y/n told him to.

"Okay so Sadie will lay here and then Noah and Millie, you guys can set flowers around her and I'll take the picture. We'll do about 4 laying down and then some staying up."

"Alright", I said and laid down, Y/n leaned down and laid my hair out so it was circling my head.

Then Noah and Millie leaned down as Y/n walked off to set up her camera. They laid flowers out around me, a petal tickled my face and I laughed.

"This is going to be just a beautiful picture!" Millie squealed.

"No doubt", I said smirking.

Y/n walked over and put her legs on either side of me. She leaned down a bit and set the camera to her face.

"Okay, 3...2...1" and then a flash went off with a *click*.

She reviewed the picture, "this looks great".

Then she leaned back over me, looking into her eyes. I swear they were the most beautiful eyes ever. "Sadie? Sadie! Your done on the ground," Millie yelled.

"My bad", Y/n laughed and grabbed my hand, helping me back up.

"So I figured you could do just about anything for these next few photos and then I packed us some lunch. We could all have a picnic before heading back!"

Noah squealed, "omfg yes! I love that Ideaaa". I laughed along with Y/n and we both prepared for the next part.

(Y/n's POV)

It took us another 2 hours to finish shooting, and when we were finished we were all exhausted.

"Okay Noah will you get the basket, I'll put my camera away and get the blanket?"

"Yeah sure", he said and walked with me to get the supplies. Once we were far enough for Millie and Sadie not to hear us, Noah pulled me behind the car.

"Is something wrong?-" I asked.

"Okay, Millie and I obviously know you like Sadie", he said whispering and I could feel my face burn up.

"Fine, okay I might like her, but what's the point?" I asked whispering as well.

"Well Millie and I have an idea.." oh no, this couldn't be good, at all. "We we're gonna set up this thing on set- a little party and you could confess your feelings!" I thought about it, I may have looked calm but my heart was racing.

"Okay- fine sure, let's hurry and get back before they think we left" I said with a laugh.

Noah had a huge smile on his face as I set my camera in the trunk, grabbing the blanket as he grabbed the basket.

As we walked back to the other two, Sadie looked at me with a smile on her face. My face felt like it was melting off.

Noah laid the blanket down and I sat the basket on top of it as we all sat down, me next to Sadie, and across from Noah.

"Okay I packed Salads, chips, and some drinks. I figured we could eat these for lunch, then later on we could all go out for dinner with my mom! She should be there in about 2 hours so we should dig in."

And with that we began eating.

(Sadie's POV)

We were already back at Y/n's house, just awaiting Miss. L/n's Arrival.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door making me jump at the echo.

"Oh! That must be my mom, I'll get it", Y/n said as she ran to the door excited.

There was no 'hi mom welcome home' or anything for that matter.

The only thing I heard was "officer, how can I help you?" I turned my head, noticing an officer standing at the door.

Taking his hat off, he said something to Y/n which made her freeze. Curiosity hit me and I got up, walking over to her right before she dropped to knees and held a hand to her heart, breathing heavily.

I ran over to her, dropping to my knees and wrapping my arms around her, "hey it's okay what's wrong?" She didn't speak, just hung onto me tight.

I looked over at the cop, seeing how confused I was he sighed, "her mothers plane went down an hour ago. Nobody survived..- I will.. be on my way.."

"Oh my god Y/n", I said and I heard her crying.

"I'm so sorry", Millie and Noah rushed over and joined in. This could not have been worse timing..

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