Chapt 7 | sleepover

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(Sadie's POV)

It was hours later and yet we were still playing Uno for like the 9th round now.

"Uno!" Millie yelled with a smile.

It was my turn and I had to decide with changing the color and placing down a yellow. If I changed the color, Millie may have it and she'll win. But she hasn't won in any of the 8 games we've played so. I placed down a color swapper, "red". I could see Millie smiling and it made me glad I changed it.

She smiled at everyone and I could see Y/n smiling as well. "Just do it Millay we know you won", Noah told her. She looked at her card and placed it down. "Boo-yah" I heard her say. Everyone laughed and I looked at the time. It was already 7 o' clock and we had to be on set tomorrow.

I sighed, "how about we play more tomorrow? We have to get going back home. We have to be on set in the morning."

Y/n nodded, "yeah of course I'll see you guys tomorrow". Noah grunted and ran up to Y/n, pulling her into a hug. "It was SOO nice to meet you Y/n" Noah said. "I will 1000% see you tomorrow." Y/n laughed and Millie and I waved goodbye and walked outside.

Millie's car had been left at my house cause we took my car instead. I got in the drivers seat and tried turning the car on. But it wouldn't.
"What's wrong?" Millie asked me.

"The car won't start I'm not sure", I opened the door and got out. Millie popped the hood for me and got out too, Noah followed. "What do you thinks wrong?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not sure. The engine could be broken or just to hot."

I sighed, "we could stay here", gesturing to the house. Millie and Noah both smiled at the idea.
"Okay it looks like we're staying here", I said smiling.

(Y/n's POV)

I was about to head upstairs to get ready for bed when my doorbell rang.

I walked to the door and opened it. It was Sadie, Millie and Noah. "Hi again", Sadie said sighing.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked. Millie laughed, "so our car isn't working right now and we were wondering if we could stay the night?" I was actually excited at the idea.

"Yeah of course come in", I said quickly. They all walked in and followed me upstairs. "So my mom had left for a business trip not long after I first talked to you Sadie. And my father isn't here anymore. But there is some clothes."

They followed me to my parents room. "So Noah", I said digging in my moms closet for a shirt and sweatpants. "You can wear these, they were my fathers." He grabbed them and walked over to the bathroom.

"But you two can come to my room", they followed behind me.

"Okay, I think I can assume that we are similar sizes". I looked at them. I opened my bottom drawer and took an outfit out. "Here you are", I said handing it to Sadie and she took it smiling.
"Thank you Y/n", she said and walked to the other bathroom.

"Is this okay?" I asked Millie. She looked at it and nodded. "Yes thank you!" She said and smiled as she walked to the bathroom waiting for Sadie.

(Sadies POV)

"So where are we going to be sleeping?" Millie asked. Y/n thought for a second. "I doubt my mom would care if you both shared her bed, if you don't mind?" She said pointing to Millie and Noah.

Millie laughed, "of course not, we wouldn't mind at all." Millie left the room and Noah followed her out.

Y/n looked at me, "uhm we can share if you want?" She asked me. I think I stood there a few seconds to long. "Yeah sure of course", I smiled.

I got on the left side and she laid on the right. The lights had been turned off but I laid there staring at Y/n in the darkness. I couldn't help but feel she was the best person ever. And we met online, she didn't even want to use me. I'm literally in her bed right now.

"Goodnight Sadie", I heard Y/n whisper under her breath. I smiled, "goodnight y/n."

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