Chapt 3 | the day we first met

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(Y/n's POV)

I arrived at the park in a matter of minutes. I wasn't completely sure if I was prepared for this. But I felt the need too. So I got my ass out of the car and walked to a nearby bench and sat down.

(Millie's POV) that's right yall, a new POV.

Sadie and I arrived at the park pretty fast. I noticed a girl sitting on a bench not far from us. "Hey I think that may be Y/n", I said to Sadie.

"God my heart is pounding Millie!" I laughed at her and opened the door, okay let's go". She got out and ran after me. We were eventually walking in Sync towards her.

Soon we were stood in front of her. "Uhm hello?" She waved at us. "Hi! My names Millie, are you Y/n?" She smiled at me, "I am, can I help you?" Then Sadie walked out from behind me. "Hey y/n- it's Sadie. I asked Millie to come here cause I was nervous."

"Oh! Hi it's really nice to finally meet you". She said, excitedly. "You too— but Y/n there is something. But you have to swear to not freak out and cause a scene. And please just don't leak my number or post anything!"

I saw Y/n's face shift scarcely. "Yeah— I- I swear you don't have to worry". I heard Sadie let out a sigh and nodded to me. We both removed our hoods and then our sunglasses.

We both smiled as we saw Y/n's face drop. "Oh my fucking"— she stopped. "Sorry— but oh my god— you're Sadie Sink, and YOU are Millie Bobby Brown!" She said slightly under her breath. I laughed. "Surprise?" Sadie replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

(Y/n's POV)

I could not believe my eyes, I'd been texting Sadie Sink! And I am literally face to face with Millie Bobby Brown right now.

I fell onto the bench and Sadie sat next to me, grasping my hand. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was thought you would just use me for something, but Y/n I realized something when we were talking".

Sadie looked at Millie, who smiled and walked back to her car. I looked at, she was sad. I didn't understand.

"Y/n we have been talking for so long and I thought that if I told you the truth you would hate me! But I realized that you would never try and use me. You're an amazing person and I love that about you."

"I- I was wondering if I could take you out tomorrow night". I look at her in shock.
"Me? You wanna take me out?" She nodded.
"I—I would love that".

(Millie's POV)

After dropping Sadie off at home, I ended up driving home. I walked into my apartment but realized the lights were on and I could hear the TV?

"Uh hello?" I asked. "MILLAY!!" Someone yelled. I walked further into the room. Someone ran up behind me, causing me to jump. "JESUS NOWAH!" I yelled at him.

"Where were you anyways?" He asked. I sighed, "out with Sadie, we went to meet a girl she had been talking too". Noah jumped up and down a couple times. "OmG! Did she meet somebody???" I smiled, "yeah, her name is Y/n and she just met the real Sadie sink, I think they may be hanging out tomorrow", I paused.

"Oh wait I think I have a picture", I go to Sadie's Messages. "Yeah here", I show a picture to Noah".

"Oh my god! She is beautiful!" He screamed, putting his hands on each side of his head. I laughed and shrugged. "I know right! Anyways, what are you doing here".

"I don't know, I was bored at home", he said causing me to laugh. "Okay well let's go to bed", I said gesturing to my room. Which he'd followed me to. I went to my closet and threw a shirt and sweats he had left last time he was here.

"Thanks", he said as he walked to the bathroom to change. I quickly walked to my dresser and grabbed my pajamas, changing fast. He walked in and jumped on my bed. "Noahhh", I groaned. He laughed at me and went under the covers. We have been friends forever so I didn't care to sleep in the same bed.

I turned off the lights and got in bed. "Goodnight Noah", I said laughing.

"Goodnight Millay".

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