Chapt 13 | to be truthful

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(Sadie's POV)

We got back to Y/n's house, Millie and Noah split to her moms room and I joined Y/n in hers.

"Hey, Millie and Noah went to bed", Y/n looked up at me. "The clothes you wore are hanging over there", she said pointing to the door.

I nodded and grabbed them from the door, taking them into the bathroom to change. But I had a pit in my stomach. Y/n and I had met not long ago. And yet I feel as if I've known her my entire life. 'Sadie why do you think like this?' I thought with a groan.

I walked out of the bathroom and got into the bed for the second time. Y/n had been caught up reading a book and didn't realize I came in until I sat on the bed. She jumped in surprise, "shit- hi Sadie", she then stuck a bookmark into her book and turned to look at me.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you", I said and kind of furrowed my eyebrows.

She laughed at me and set her book on the nightstand. "It's all good." Before I could reply, her phone went off. She apologized and reached for it.

"Oh my god! My moms coming back early to meet you guys!" She had a huge smile on her face. "Really? I'd love to meet her. Is she flying?" Y/n nodded, "yeah she was in New York and is boarding the plane as we speak!"

"That's great! Noah and Millie would love to meet her as well!" I grinned and Y/n texted her mom back. "I'm so excited for you guys to meet! She hasn't met anyone since Jack, he was the last person I shot other than Millie and Noah that is-".

I nodded and covered myself in her blankets. Y/n shut her light off and cuddled into her blankets as well.

"Goodnight again", Y/n said, idk if she'd go to sleep. She was still sounding very amused with the fact her mom was on her way home.

"Goodnight Y/n."

(Y/n's POV)

I could hardly even sleep last night. I was still in bed, facing the wall cause nobody else was up, but I eventually grew bored and got up.

I grabbed an outfit and quickly changed, checking basically every second to be sure Sadie was still asleep.

I opened the door very slowly so I wouldn't wake her and made my way downstairs.

I'd thought nobody was up but the smell of coffee told me otherwise.

"Y/n! Did I wake you? I was just making a fresh pot of Coffee. Would you like any?" Millie said, looking at me as she took a sip of coffee from her mug. "Oh no you didn't wake me. And sure why not."

Millie smiled and went to grab the pot.

"How'd you sleep?" she asked me. I smiled at her. "Well I'm happy. But I didn't sleep much. My mom is on her way home from New York and I'm excited for you all to meet each other!"

"Oh! That's great, I'd love to meet her. And especially thank her for letting Noah and I sleep in her room."

"Do you wanna help me make some breakfast?" I asked Millie.

"Sure why not" she told me as she passed me my mug. I thanked her and set it on the counter. "What should we do today?" She asked me.

"How about potatoes, eggs and bacon? We can even make biscuits." Millie nodded immediately, "oh yes! I love biscuits."

(Sadie's POV)

I rolled over with a groan and turned to face
Y/n. I opened my eyes but nobody was there. With a sigh I sat up and grabbed my phone. It was 9am. Only then did I realize the smell of food.

I yawned and stood up. Getting a pair of socks on with slippers.

Walking downstairs I saw Millie setting the table and Y/n finishing up breakfast. "Whatever that is smells good", I said walking down the stairs. I heard more rustling upstairs which meant Noah was getting up as well.

"Oh goodmorning!" Y/n said to me with a bright smile on her face.

"My mom called and said her flight should be leaving in a few minutes so it'll be 4 hours till she's back. We could eat, do our photo shoot, hang out and be back so you can all meet her!" She told me excitedly.

I'm glad she was excited about it, it made me happy.

"Can you take these to the table?" She asked me, handing me a bowl of sliced potatoes, pan with scrambled eggs and sat the bacon on the counter for Millie to take. I nodded and brought them over to the table, setting them down and coming back to grab the biscuits.

"That smells amazing", Noah said as he pranced down the stairs.

With a laugh we all sat down at the table and started rationing it out. "So Noah, we're meeting Y/n's mom in the next 4 hours!" Millie exclaimed.

"Really?" He asked, Y/n nodded. "Oo great! I'd love to meet another one of your family members."

"What is she like?" Millie asked.

Y/n cleared her throat. "Well she's a really kind person deep down. She can be a bit feisty but who isn't. Uhm, she is a fan of stranger things so y'all will probably hit it off. Oh she's met a few of the people I've shot."

"Who?" Noah asked her.

"Uhm Skeet, Jack and... Madelyn I'm sure."

"Well she sounds great I'm excited to meet her," I told her and we all continued eating.

(Y/n's POV)

-in the car-

"There is this really pretty spot in the hills that I think would be perfect for our shoot!" I told Sadie.

"Perfect", she said smiling.

"Oo can I play some music?" Millie asked with a smirk on her face. I shrugged, "sure why not."

I dug through the center console and gave her a charger that connected her to the stereo. She plugged her phone in and played 'die young'.

"Oh hell yeah", I said and turned it up.

I really enjoyed getting to know these people for who they truly are. When you see them on TV all you do is assume things about them, but being face-to-face with them, you can really learn a lot.

Sadie is extremely sweet. Maybe I do like her. God I don't know. And even if I do, how would I tell her? It's not that I'm scared to tell her the truth. I'm scared of rejection, that would suck to be rejected by her, especially someone I care for a lot.

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