"Trust me. This place may not look how it must have years ago, but this is way better than the old cave I used to live in." Hoseok tore his bread in half.

"You lived in a cave?" Seokjin's brows jumped. "I just slept wherever I wanted on the floor with all the fishes."

"Yeah, my cave was underneath a tree. It was at the side of a mountain and this large tree was there just above a small edge. If you went under the tree, you'd find an entrance to a cave that opened up to many different areas underneath the mountain." Hoseok nodded his head. "I shared it with other elves. It was spacious and yet cramped at the same time. It was alright, but the gnomes would always try fighting with us on territory."

"Oh, that's no fun." Seokjin frowned.

"It's okay. They're short so it was easy to kick them." Hoseok chuckled, causing you to nearly choke on your food. Namjoon didn't say anything, but he was obviously listening in. "They're annoying but living here is much better."

"What else do you plan to fix up?" You cleared your throat.

"There's a lot." Hoseok took a look around the dining hall. "It'll be hard getting to it all."

"Judging by (F/n)'s past habits, she'll be bringing you more help soon enough." Namjoon sighed. At this point he was just accepting the strangers in his home.

"I'll do my best to get better at walking!" Seokjin bounced in his seat. "I'll be helping you as much as I can."

"I think you're better off cleaning," Hoseok said.

"How come?" You asked as you gave a piece of bread to Youngjo.

"He's as clumsy as the prince, but more clueless," Hoseok explained. Seokjin took no offense to it as he just laughed. "Which is almost impressive."

"How is it impressive?" Namjoon scoffed.

"Nothing. Forget what I said." Hoseok had a grin on his face. He returned his focus on his food as an exasperated sigh left Namjoon. The two hardly knew each other, but Hoseok seemed to be doing well. Nearly lost his rights to live here, but otherwise he was managing.

"What do you plan to do today, (F/n)?" Seokjin looked over at you. Eyes traveled to you which you didn't expect. You had only been giving Youngjo your bread and now you were flustered. For a quick second, your mind was blank until you pulled yourself together.

"I need to get my horse more hay! Yes, I plan to do that." You scrunched your nose slightly from how loud you started off. "I'm in no rush to search for other creatures. I'll see if I can talk to Jungkook and if he's been keeping his eyes on any."

"Be safe, (F/n)," Hoseok warned. "Not all creatures desire peace with humans. Some want to cause harm to anyone. They live with no morals."

"I'll do my best to be careful." You nodded.

"You should listen carefully, (F/n). Creatures are more vicious than wild animals," Youngjo added. You only gave him a small smile to let him know you heard. They meant well, but you were aware of it yourself.

"I've been stuck in this castle for so long and I have never met another creature besides these two. But I have no doubt that there are creatures out there who are complete savages," Namjoon spoke up. "I would have a guard accompany you if I could. A fair maiden such as yourself shouldn't be putting themself in danger so often."

"He talks funny," Seokjin whispered to Hoseok before giggling. Instantly, Namjoon looked over at them with a scowl.

"Me? All of you are ill mannered! What has come of my kingdom?" Namjoon tsked at them. They were going to bicker on this for a while. It'd be better if you got up and left.

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