"Checkmate Temari." Naruto says softly and she gave out a frustrated cry and Kankuro's jaw dropped and Karura and Rasa were surprised by Naruto's victory, Rasa came by home a couple of minutes ago while Naruto and Temari were still playing.

"Arrgh! How just, how can I lose!? I don't get it! How do you do that Naruto, you have no strategy you move your pieces instantly without thinking the moves ahead and this is your first time playing shogi how did you do that? You are so so so..... unpredictable!" Temari said in a frustrated tone. Naruto smiling, "I am unpredictable, plus I got a mind of my own. That was actually a lot of fun Temari. You did almost get me a couple of times. We should do this again sometimes you know." Temari's anger died down seeing Naruto happy and she smiled and replied "Yeah your right Naruto it was fun. But remember I'll get you next time just you wait Naruto Uzumaki." Temari smirked. "Hey I'm always ready for anything and whatever you throw at me Temari "The Wind Goddess". Naruto replied and smirked. They both then laugh. 

They then head to the kitchen to eat dinner and after dinner they head back to the living room. "This is my war fan Naruto. It belonged to my mother, she then gave it to me as a birthday present and wanted me to have it. After that my mom trained me with how to use the war fan. Also be careful it'll be heavy when you try to pick it up." As Naruto grabs the war fan he easily lifts it up, which makes both Temari and Kankurō shocked. "Naruto... you lifted my war fan!" Temari stated with a stupefied expression. "It took me three years to lift it properly!" She continued in anger with a scrutinizing gaze. Naruto opens the fan to the first moon, then the second moon and the third moon to fully look at the weapon. "Fascinating weapon you have Temari." Naruto then closes the war fan and gives it back to her. Naruto laughs nervously. "If you were wondering how I lift it, all I did was just train, that's all I did honestly. Naruto nervously shrugged and sweat dropped. "Please don't hit me with the fan and already she's starting to become really scary right now because she's angry." Naruto speaks to himself in his mind. Temari's anger disappears and she smiles "Well you're truly something else Naruto. Plus since you're going to be learning on how to use the war fan tomorrow besides my mom helping you, I'll help you train as well. This is going to be good Naruto." Naruto then replies "Yeah it will be. Hey Temari, if you ever want to learn some Kenjutsu I can help you with that if you want." Temari ponders, she smiles and replies "I'll think about it Naruto I could learn a little more to add to my weapon arsenal since I use wind chakra." Naruto smiles "Alright. Just let me know when you're ready and we can begin." Temari nods "Right, thank you Naruto." "Your welcome Temari." Replied Naruto.

"Well it's getting late, I'm going to call it a night. Good night Temari I'll see you in the morning." said Naruto. "Good night Naruto, you better be ready for training tomorrow." Temari replied and smiled. Naruto grins as he replies "Trust me Temari, I'll be ready." He then goes to his room to change into his night wear. While he left for his room Temari watches from a far, she smiles as she made a new friend and was happy with the results of cheering him up with their game of shogi, Kankuro then approaches her and chuckles Temari turns around and looks at her brother "What's so funny Kankuro?" Asked Temari. "Oh you wouldn't get it." Replied Kankurō. Temari then scowls "What do you mean I wouldn't get it?" Temari replied. Kankuro then laughs at his sister "Like I said you wouldn't get it." Temari starts getting angry and grabs Kankuro and bonks him on the head with her fist, "You will tell me or I'll use my fan to make it worse for you." "Ouch. Why do you have to do that? Alright. What I'm saying is someone is starting to have feelings for a certain someone." Kankuro rubbing the spot on his head while he's in pain and couldn't help but laugh a little. Temari then starts blushing red and bonks Kankuro on the head again this time with her fan "Ow!" Kankuro in pain after getting bonked on the head by Temari's as she angrily replies "I just met Naruto and I'm trying to get to know him Kankuro!" Scoffed Temari. Temari then goes to her room to change into her nightwear. She takes off the bands holding her four pigtails and lets her hair down, she puts on her pajamas being a purple shirt and white floral pajama pants. She gets in bed and covers herself up "Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. Training with Naruto and teaching him about the war fan, he'll be a good training partner, I wonder how his wind style is. Maybe I might also take up on the kenjutsu training offer he offered me. Maybe one of these days I want to take him on in a sparring match. Also during training I can get to know Naruto a little more." Temari smiles as she falls asleep. Naruto goes into his room to change he changes into his pajamas being a white shirt and black pajama pants. "Well today was a good day, tomorrow is going to be an interesting day and some interesting training I'll be getting. I have to say Temari is something else. She seems to be quite smart and strategic when I played shogi against her and now tomorrow I'll see how strong she is with her wind style." Naruto then turns off his light and does his five minute meditation before heading to bed, after he finishes his meditation he then gets into his bed, covers himself, he then smiles as he then falls asleep.

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