Chapter 15: Favors

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Nessa would arrive at the hideout and look over at everybody "Hello~" She said while heading over to her father's position "I brought some food so you can eat once you are done just like I told you"

"Did you follow the rules?" Singed asked

"Yes, yes I did..." she replied while taking the food out of the bag and serving it to him

"Nessandra, you decided to join us" Silco said while standing in front of his huge window pointing to the deep water

"I just came to drop some food for you guys, I have to go back home and continue my experiments" She replied "but it is nice to see you uncle Silco"

"You could be of great help Nessandra, this could be finished way quicker with you" Silco added

"I know. But you guys keep avoiding the subject on what you are planning to do with such thing"
Nessa replied while looking at him "And with my knowledge, I can tell what you guys are trying to make. I don't like it. Just cause it managed to save Rio doesn't mean it can save the rest"

"Nessandra..." Singed said while mixing a substance

"You are a smart girl Nessandra, that is why we need you" Silco added "But if you refuse to help us with the experimentation part, then I have another favor to ask you" Silco said while turning around to look at her

"What do you need uncle?" She asked while seating on a chair and grabbing the cat that started to purr in her leg

"Do you know Vander?" he asked

"I do, I tend to go there once in a while to spend time with his daughters. He also helps me with stuff" Nessa replied while petting the cat

A blond guy was also in the room looking at her with interest, making her feel rather uncomfortable.

"Hmm that makes things easier... I want you to describe the daughters appearances to him" Silco said while pointing to the blond guy

"What are you planning to do?" Nessa asked

"I just want to keep an eye on them" he replied "A little bird told me that they were planning something"

"Is that so, very well. Just cause you are my favorite uncle" she said with a smile

"I still would like to insist on you helping us with the experimentation part" Silco said while walking toward her

"And I insist on not..." She replied while looking over at her father working with the pink substance

"With your help, this might help people instead of hurting them, it will all depend on the influence" Singed said

"Dad... I..." She lowered her sight and let the cat jump off her legs "I'll try... I will only help to stabilize it tho"

"Thank you" Silco said before he looked back at the window again since a huge fish swam across it "This is the next step to make this city better, and you will be part of it"

Nessa kept quiet and just stood up fixing her jacket "I hope I get paid for this..." She said while looking at her father who kept working on it "I'll get started tomorrow, I want to rest today... Have a nice day" she said before she started to walk out

"Thank you for the food Nessandra" Singed said before she exited

The blonde guy followed her "I need the info, so tell me the information I need"

Nessa rolled her eyes "You can find that yourself, one has pink hair the other blue hair and then there are two boys. They are always together so don't be stupid"

"So I need a team" he commented in a low tone

"If you want your ass kicked then go ahead. Vi and her company know how to land a hit. I've seen them in action so have in mind that if you try to sneak up on them you will end up beaten up" she added

"Hey who do you think you are?!" He said about to hit her but she just took a step to the side and looked at him

"If you lay one finger on me, I'll make sure you are cut to pieces and fed to fish... and I don't know if you noticed but I am close to your boss. You hurt me, you die" She said while fixing her hair "Got that?"

"I am not scared of them, I just want the job" he replied

"We'll see about that" She added before she parted ways from him

"Hey I still need more information on the kids!" The blonde guy screamed to her

"your problem~" she replied before heading towards her house "Guys are annoying... Ugh I wish I met one who was calm and gentle and not an asshole. Even my own father acts different when he is with Silco... I mean, he has always been good to me but his obsession lately has been bothering me. I hope Vi and her sister do fine, doubt that blonde guy will cause her any trouble" she said to herself while walking.

She walked by the market area again and stopped at the knife shop to look at some of them.

"Nessa! Finally going to buy something?" The person asked when he noticed her

"If I had the money you know I would buy them all to help you out" She replied

"Aaah such a charm. Were you able to find the stuff you needed?" he asked

"No, but I got people to look for bounty hunters interested in doing the job, I just hope I find them" She replied while watching one nice knife he had

"Oh? How come you are interested in one today?" he asked with his hand on his chin

"Two boys got a little too confident around me, a girl needs something to defend herself these days. And well I don't know how to fight at all, I've never been that strong" she replied

"I see, well since I trust you enough I'll give it to you to pay for later" he said with a smile while opening his arms as in surprise

"I CAN'T ACCEPT THAT!" Nessa replied in shock "I am fine, I promise!"

"Nonsense!" He said while taking the knife she was looking at and wrap it in a bandage to cover the sharp end "I wouldn't forgive myself if I found out that you got hurt because you were not armed and ready! You helped me before, take it as a way to pay you back" he said while showing his prosthetic foot

"But you already paid me for that" She said while the guy placed the knife on her hands "Then take it as a gift, no need to pay me any money. Take it as a super early birthday present"

"But you don't even know my birthday" Nessa replied while chuckling

"Just take the knife Nessa, please"

"Fine, but I will pay you back" She said while she placed it on her bag

"If that is what you want then fine. Have a nice day Nessa" He said while waving goodbye at her

"Have a nice day" Nessa replied while she went back home. She climbed down the rocks and reached home.

As soon as she opened the door she was greeted by the green light of Rio's container.

"Hello Rio" She said with a smile before sitting on her work station and leaned back looking at a counter with her old toys and in between all of them she saw her spider toy "Help Silco do a monster drug... I wonder what would you do in my position Viktor" she gave a sigh while closing her eyes "I wonder where you are..." she said in a low tone while remembering her day specially about what Ekko told her about the scientist in the top city "I wonder... if that is you"

A single tear streamed down her face and she cleaned it immediately.

"Gosh I am such a child..." she said while chuckling "I have to stop with these ideas that I will see him again. Maybe in a future... I will go to the top city and look for him. Yeah, as soon as I am done I will do just that" she said to herself with a smile


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