Chapter 1- No Tears Left To Cry

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Right now, I'm in a state of mind
I wanna be in like all the time
Ain't got no tears left to cry...
- Ariana Grande

Rosewood Hills Academy is considered to be Neon city's most elite boarding school. Established in 1986, the school only accepts 50 students each year.

The school's colours are blue-black and white and its known for it's outstanding students, classy designer uniforms, rigorous academics and a gorgeous campus that's like a castle, a mansion and a luxury hotel at the same time.

Most teenagers would give out their soul just to be here. Literally.

The moment I stepped out of the car, I was immediately awe inspired by the gorgeousness of the campus. There were lots of people swarming around;Mostly students, mixed with a couple of parents. Not all the students walking leisurely around campus were new and I had to admit, Rosewood students looked absolutely fabulous.

The girls looked liked Greek goddesses, decked in designer uniform, knee-high socks, designer heels and headbands. And I swear the guys were literally Forever 21 models in uniform with designer loafers and watches.

My uniform wasn't ready yet. So I had my white shirt on along with my sparkly blue skirt and my flats. I must have looked like a fashion disaster because a group of girls who passed by us took one look at me and giggled.

Their laughter was enough to raise my insecurities even higher than they were. Thank God I hadn't worn my glasses too. My look might have been worse than it was now. They were safely tucked away in my backpack.

Brick buildings, manicured lawns, paved pathways, lots of palm trees and hedges gave the school a peaceful atmosphere. And I'm not over exaggerating or anything but God, it was the most amazing place I'd ever seen in my prudish life.

The school's interior was even more impressive. There were shiny emerald floors, huge chandeliers, tall columns, arched hallways, a courtyard; filled with fountains surrounded by statues of baby cupids and a sunflower garden.

Mom, Dad, my older brother Marcus and I found the administrative building and followed a directory labelled RECEPTION, where I was made to fill out two registration forms(weird).
The reception was a dim lit hallway filled a chandelier and a fish tank.

The secretary, Vickie handed me my student ID card, which is also my room key, my schedule, the rules and regulations of the school and other important stuff. She handed me a small, neat, orange-coloured paper inked with my house and its details. Phoenix House.

Being the prestigious school it was, my luggages had been sent a week before. My family hanged around for a while, looking around campus.

Some new students were arriving. It was the beginning of a new semester so annoyingly, some students were hugging, gushing and squealing at each other. It was beyond stupid to watch.

Finally, it was time for my parents to leave. Dad hugged me and reminded me to call once I got settled in.

"Oh honey we'll miss you so much!" Mom said and hugged me so tightly I thought I might die out of lack of oxygen. I could tell she was trying very hard not to cry. I squeezed her back.

Marcus was suddenly engrossed in his phone but I knew the idiot was just pretending. "Come here you asshole."

I hugged him while he made squirming noises.

"Argh...yeah yeah have fun lil sis and play it safe. We don't need another baby in the house." He said and handed me a pack of condoms.

"What the... I-I-I won't need these. What the hell is wrong with you." I whispered but I couldn't help but laugh at the same time.

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