Book 3-The leader of the leprechauns

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You may have thought that the story was over, but like I underestimated my father's power, the world underestimated the power of red lights Ot8... As the last line of red lights was sung, I rose from the dead. My once shattered bones re-made themselves and my heart beats faster than ever. Stray kids judged me, as one should. I could see the "what the fuck" in their eyes... I decided I must show my father my power, perhaps then he would not neglect me. Myself and stray kids set out on a mission to find ed once again. Although we were in slight fear after the traumatising scene that once was, we went on. Luckily we found him quickly.


He looked at me, I expected ginger fury to fill his eyes, but what I saw instead was worrying, it was almost fear. Somehow we didn't spot what was surrounding him. Over 50 tiny, red headed leprechauns were at his feet. To be honest we were all confused, even him.

"I thought I sold these things" he exclaimed to his trusty advisor.

"WHICH YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE" a random voice shouted

From the sky came a familiar face, flying with the power of autotune, none other than JYP himself. Stray kids hid behind me. I don't think they were supposed to be there. Originally that's why I thought JYP was here, but in reality he came for my father ed....

"How dare you sell my leprechauns, they are mine! You had no right!"

They fought. Ed used my spare arm and guitar as Baseball bats, as JYP sang in "oOoOoOoOoO". It deafened Ed.

Then Scarlett, Eddies trusty advisor, used her brain for once."wait I thought the leprechauns resurrected you Ed, why are they against you"

"Oh yeah, how did that happen?" Ed asked.

"It was I" exclaimed JYP "I wanted to save you, I looked up to you Ed, or down I guess cause you are a little short, just like Changbin"



"I really liked the way you use the power of autotune, it's really hot" Ed said flustered.

"Really? Thanks. Hey Ed, can I ask you something?" JYP said." Can I be your Galway gal??"

"What the fuck" said Chan who spoke for everyone there

Yes they really are bonding over autotune. Some would be thankful, some would not after what came next. All of a sudden jyp leaned in, his hot breath against eds neck made him quiver. He had all the power and for once Ed loved feeling weak.

Very quickly Chan covered my innocent eyes and pulled me away, I could still hear them kissing no matter how far away we were. They were powerful in all arts apparently. Who knew that those two would find a common interest and also find love in eachother. Would this be the end of everything all because of the love they now had??

Ed the great and powerful Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt