Book 2- Eds revenge

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I had narrowly managed to escape the evil, powerful clutches of Ed, my father. I was living on a remote island amongst the tropical trees far away from any life or so I thought... Whilst minding my own business, all of a sudden i heard the sound of "DU DU DU DU DU" IT WAS STRAY KIDS!!!! Like a dream come to life, there they were, a group of talented visuals.... Changbin cartwheeled towards me as the other 7 followed singing their hit "gods menu" i was in awe maybe my life wont turn out so bad now i have Eds money.  Or so I thought.... Meanwhile Ed Sheeran had resurrected back in rainy England.... 

With the power of a mysterious autotune and avocados, he rose from the dead. Leprechauns chanted "Ed is love, Ed is life" (like that one voldermort scene in Harry Potter but more intense) With the remaining money Ed made from selling the leprechauns who awoke him,  much to the owners dismay, he set out to find me. He flew on his guitar like a witch with a broom, his ginger locks flew in the wind. Unfortunately he found me fast, as stray kids are noisy af.  However the mighty stray kids heard of my struggles and offered to help with the power of song, dance and rap.

Eddie boi despised this. Little did we know he was more powerful than we ever expected.... Danceracha of stray kids challenged Ed to a dance off. "Rainism" by Rain blasted  loudly through giant speakers set up by Han himself. One by one each member of stray kids was taken out by Eds fury, until leeknow was last. Because leeknow is really fucking cool he wins. Ed was even more furious then before, the cheers of myself and stray kids only made him more powerful...

Just then, when our guard was down, Ed Sheeran picked up his broom guitar and swung it back to hit stray kids.... I could not let that happen, in my last attempt of defense i jumped in front of stray kids, taking the full hit. My bones are gone..... My arm is on the floor....Ed picks up my arm....He starts waving it above his head to taunt stray kids as they mourn my loss with tears, although that could be the sand in their eyes.... Then Ed starts to sing as he waves my arm about like a lightstick at a concert...."I'm in love with the shape of you...." A line that has no meaning to the situation now that my body has no official shape as i look like I've been dissected... 

With my last breath I spoke, " you have ruined me in one last act of neglect, was it worth it?"           He responded, " I don't even remember your name..."

Ed Sheeran laughs with his trusty advisor and together they walk off using my pulverised, violently wounded limbs as lightsticks....                                                                                                                    Is this really the end?? Stray kids sing Ot8 red lights in memory of me.......

Ed the great and powerful Where stories live. Discover now