"Why the back?" I ask. "I enjoy my privacy." he answers. "I thought you would say that the females want you here." "If they do I wouldn't know about it." "Are there any hot males here?" "They not up to your standard." I chuckle. "What's my standard?" "Kuhlekonke." I roll my eyes. "Still being salty." "I'm just saying." "Whatever."

We reach the top floor and walk to the boardroom. When i get inside I see very well dressed people who scream I'm wealthy and some of the men here are ugly I don't want to lie. We greet them and i sit down next to the boss.

"I'm glad you could make it Ms Mngomezulu." says Mr. Hernandez. "Pleasure to be here." I say. "Can we get to the point. I don't know why there are strangers in this meeting." says stranger 1. Sthembiso smirks a bit and i think things are about to go down.

"I would like to introduce everybody first. This is Ms Mngomezulu and she is my attorney and these are are my new shareholders: Mr. Hernandez, Mr. Gumede, Mr. Blake, Mrs. Buthelezi and Ms. Rampersard." says Sthembiso. "What do you mean when you say new shareholders?" asks stranger 2.

"I mean exactly just that. New shareholders they will have the shares that you guys used to have in this company." says Sthembiso. "You can't necessarily remove us like that." says stranger 3. "Yes i can and i will. Remember years back when we signed the contract and there was a clause in the contract that stated that should i not be happy with this shareholder I have the right to remove them with immediate effect and pay off their dividends by the end of the year. You didn't mind signing it many years back did you."

My man should be this smart if not I don't want him. "You can't do us like that." says stranger 2. "Yes i can and i did so please leave this office. I told you last week that when we meet again i would have made a plan." says Sthembiso.

"Sthe..I mean Mr. Khoza please give us a chance you can't end our good partnership like that." says stranger 4. "Like my client said you should leave the office cause nothing ties you to this company any longer and should you breach the clause my client has the right to sue you guys." I say.

"Shut up wena mfazi ndini angikhulumi nawe." says stranger 4. (im not talking to you woman.) "But I am talking to you and I'm asking you nicely that can you kindly leave cause you don't serve any purpose any more." I say. "Don't test my patience I wouldn't want to put my hands on you." "Try it and let's see where you going to end up." This guy clearly doesn't know me.

"Sthembiso khuza this prostitute of yours. She probably slept with you to be present here." says stranger 4. (reprimand..) You know what let me calm down. I'm too pretty to sit in jail and i have a meeting I should attend very soon. "You heard her leave." says Sthembiso. "Fine lets go gents." says stranger 1.

"This company of yours won't succeed you are here today because of us. Enjoy your little independence while it last." says stranger 3. " We actually took a look at the company's financial situation and its actually way better then we thought thats why we didn't invest in the beginning and he is still not losing money even after his arrest." says Mr. Hernandez. "Bye." I wave at them and they roll their eyes.

They take their stuff and leave. Finally. Stranger 4 really pissed me off and he better pray he doesn't run into me again otherwise he will regret the day he said I slept my way to the top and that I'm a prostitute. "Finally thats over." says Mr. Gumede and we chuckle. "Yes and that's my que to leave i need to make more money." I say and they laugh. I stand up and say my goodbyes and Sthembiso stands up and we leave.

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