𝟐𝟔. this heart of mine

Start from the beginning

It was the thought of the Halflings that got her moving again. They, along with the others, would be waiting desperately for news about Gyda's condition. She couldn't let them wait a moment longer, not while they were already mourning the loss of another friend.

Elgarain swallowed her remaining tears and picked up her pace. Though once she'd reached the bottom of the stairs, her step faltered. She'd seen Haldir lead the Fellowship onto the path to her right but he was charged with bringing them before Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. Either they were still there, or they had been brought to a place to rest. Taking a breath, she decided to follow the path. She was bound to run into someone who would be able to tell her where she could find her friends.

As she followed the road of silver stones, the song of the Elves still echoed from all around her. Her grief wasn't burning as much anymore though, as if the words were a salve to dull the aching. Now it felt more like a bruise; sore and very much present but bearable.

She wandered for a while through the woods without seeing a soul. Strangely enough, she was comforted by the solitude. She hadn't been truly alone since they set out from Rivendell. It wasn't until now Elgarain realized she'd missed it, walking in peace with her thoughts her only company. Despite wishing to return to her companions as soon as possible, she slowed her pace enough to allow herself to enjoy her walk.

Lórien was a peaceful harbor, much like Imladris. Though the house of Lord Elrond felt less secluded and much more friendly to outsiders. But as one of the Eldar, Elgarain did not fear the ancient magic that lingered within the forest. It filled her bones with strength and her heart with courage. Everything she would need to eventually continue on their journey...

Her stomach twisted at the thought of leaving. She'd barely spend two days here and already she dreaded their departure. Being amongst her people again comforted her in ways she never would've dreamed of as a young Elleth. All she used to want was to be free, to run and feel the wind caressing her cheeks. Now, all she wished for was the comfort of home.

The thought of her kingdom flared inside her lungs with a burning ferocity. She admired the golden woods but they paled in comparison to the cliff sides and roaring sea of Lindon. The sight of the dawn turning the sea to gold and the havens into shades of soft pink would be forever branded into her very heart. She was a queen away from her kingdom, adrift in strange lands.

Since setting out from Rivendell they'd been constantly on the move. They had to be vigilant, careful, every moment of every day, which left little room for reminiscing about home. Finally, Lothlórien had granted her the gift to do so, and it made her heart ignite with yearning. Lindon was waiting for her return and she longed for nothing more than to do so. But her path was heading south, further and further away from the place she called home. She made this choice and now she had to see it through. At least she still had Gyda with her, though perhaps not for long...

Elgarain couldn't help but smile at the thought of her friend and the prince of Mirkwood. Despite not knowing all that transpired between them, it was impossible not to see the way they looked at each other. Or, in Gyda's case, the way she didn't look at him. Elgarain could only hope they managed to talk through whatever it was that was holding them back. If it had anything to do with Gyda's vow to protect her...Well, the High Queen might just need to have a word with the Head of her Guard.

Unintentionally, her thoughts drifted to her own conflicted heart. In the years after her stay in Imladris, she had managed to somehow convince herself her heart no longer belonged to Estel, to Aragorn. But if these last few weeks had shown her anything, it was that she'd been very wrong to think so. Not that it mattered. If they were to survive this war, they would go their separate ways again and she would have to forget him all over again...

𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘 ― aragornWhere stories live. Discover now