(chapter 3) A neko and witch

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Today was the day we got our test results for something I couldn't remember what it was but while i was looking for my name on the bored near the bottom because fell asleep during the test so I assumed I was low when moka grabbed my arm and dragged me to the top ten students and saw I ranked at number 3.

Y/n: Huh? How did I get so high when I slept during the test.

Moka: Well you went through the test so fast you must have forgotten.

Tsukune: Yeah I think you almost started a fire with your pencil at the speeds you were writing.

Y/n: ....ok.

I turn to leave and be alone but see three students picking on a little girl who was dressed as a witch.

Moka: Hey leave her alone!

I don't want to get involved but I have to. When they were about to hit moka I grabbed the guys wrist and started applying pressure.

Y/n: Student council? Aren't you guys supposed to set an example.

They grunt in response and I crush the guy's wrist in my hand hearing bones breaking.

Y/n: I would advise against hurting her, got it.

Lizardman#1: Let's get out of here boys!

After that we all went to the lunchroom where I was eating a nice piece of candy when Yukari, the little witch announced her undying love for moka making me choke on my candy in surprise before she jumped over the table and grabbed moka's breast which made Tsukune have a massive nose bleed.

I'm surprised he's not dead from the amount of blood that came from his noise.


I was following Tsukune down the hallway and come across moka who was dragging yukari who was still groping moka's breast when Tsukune started saying it was wrong and something else I can't remember but then yukari said something that caught my attention.

Yukari: Highly intelligent but super lazy and likes taking naps absolutely no hobbies to speak of. You don't deserve to be around moka.

Y/n: (yawns) huh?

Yukari: Were you not paying attention?!

Y/n: No sorry could you repeat what ever you said.

Then cleaning supplies come to start attacking Tsukune and me and let's just say...I didn't get hurt and sent to the infirmary when everything was over.

T I M E S K I P-

Kurumu: Hey what the hell author!? It took you this long to get to me after my debut!?

(A/n: I'm lazy and couldn't care less, now! Shut the fuck up before I erases you from the book)

Kurumu: Okay! Geez calm down...

Y/n: Who is she talking to?

Bat: Who knows. WEEEEE!

Moka opens the door and came in to check on me and Tsukune when she suddenly lost control of her body and grops my chest which was weird before she grabbed my pants and boxers pulling them down making both of us go bright red...this is so embarrassing. But she started to drool at the sight when we heard a noise outside.

Yukari: Crap! I used the wrong hair!


I pull up my pants still blushing a little.

Y/n: We should talk about this. Now.

We ended up in a classroom to talk about the problems but by talk I mean Tsukune took control and lashed out at yukari and brought up what happened earlier saying it was way out of line. Which I hole heartedly agreed but moka's response freaked me out.

Moka: I mean I don't care.

Did she start blushing after saying that? Oh naaahhh!

Y/n: Moka, what did you-

Wait is that a pan above my head? Hmm seems like it-BANG ooooowww. That hurt. Yukari runs off and kurumu explains that witches are mistreated by both monsters and humans.

With that we went to find yukari.


Y/n: If I was a witch were would I be?

Right as I was about to pulp a gum into my mouth I heard a loud boom in the forest next to me. I was 99.9# sure yukari and probably the others were there.

I arrive seeing 2 lizardman floating in a pull of water before I spot the last one sneak up on Tsukune.

I run up and deliver a good kick to the side of it's skelly head knocking him out cold.

Turning a little I see three claw marks on Tsukune's back, wonder how he got that.

Tsukune: Oh, h-hey y/n.

I wave my hand and look over and see inner moka walk up to me and bites my neck drinking my blood afterwards she surprisingly kissed me on the cheek.


Moka kurumu and I were walking to class while those two talked about how yukari changed as she apologized to all the people she's hurt. I quietly listened.

When we walked into the classroom yukari profess her love to Tsukune and saying she wanted a threesome with him her and moka which led to a big fight when again moka cling to me and sucked my blood.

I need a nap after this.

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