Chapter 17: Black, Green and Blue All Over; Final Chapter

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Three days have past. Their 30-day trial has expired.

It was time for a great showdown the multiverse had ever seen.

The tops heroes of Japan and the Z-Fighters we're standing, waiting for the moment Moro strikes.

Jaco: Remember, Moro can absorb energy to make himself more powerful, we need to stop him for good.

Bakugou: All we really need is me! I'll show all of you that you're just extras.

Vegeta: Hmph.

Bakugou then glared at the Saiyan Prince as sparks were were forming in his hands.


Vegeta: To think I would be lumped in with a mediocre fighter who lacks discipline. You are not even worthy of a simple glance from a far superior warrior.


Vegeta: Do you recollect our previous spar? You did not cover your blind spots and your detestable skill in actual hand to hand combat is exceedingly low. In terms of physical talents, you have a lot. However, those attributes will only be brought down by what you display. Your disgusting attitude which you believe is justifiable, is not. You are simply just a child.

Bakugou: WHY YOU, MOTHERFU--!!

Izuku then neck chopped Bakugou who fell unconscious and Izuku simply lied him down several miles and traveled back.

Vegeta: You hero school teachers must teach your students the lesson of humility.

All the hero school teachers hung their heads low as they realized just how much work the need in order make to make the next generation of heroes stronger.

Goku: It's clear adults in this day and age fuel the passions of the children with compliments, but too many can be a bad thing. It causes them to be corrupted and abuse their skill and apply in ways that can get people hurt. It ruins the beauty of learning, turning it into something twisted. But now's not the time for lessons. Now is the time for action.

Gohan: Here he comes. Moro and his gang.

From above they saw a circular aircraft looming over the area where they were currently standing in. The space vessel then descended down on the empty and barren fields as the doors opened and stairs were lowered.

The familiar ram then came into view. Looking much more younger than previously.

Moro: I see. . . . .so this is Planet Earth. Intriguing. The energy on this pathetic plant is abundant. Hm? Ah, yes. You, the boy with the green hair. I remember seeing that you detected my energy as well. Perhaps, you can give me a challenge.

Goku/Vegeta: You're fighting us!!

The Supreme Kai that had defeated Moro was also ready to face his old rival once more by using Buu's body.

Moro: Oh? Are you Saiyans interested in battle once more? Okay, I will play with you for a little while. But so many people have to play. I need to invite more friends to participate in this occasions. Now then, my friends. Show the Saiyans and their allies your power in numbers.

Izuku and Momo were cut off by several hundred surrounding them. And the onslaught began.

The pro heroes and the Z-Fighters all clashing with the gang.

Izuku: Well, this a strange case of Deja vu?

Vegeta: Don't let it get to your head!! Hyah!!

Vegeta then delivered a blow to Moro's jaw, causing him to be sent upward.

Each Other's Obsessions (Saiyan Izuku X Yandere Vampire Momo)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora