Chapter 11: The Battles of the Century! Pt. 1

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Right now the entire Son Family (including Momo and Nemuri) were at the Son family home discussing the the siege on the training camp and Cooler.

Goku: So, Cooler's here huh? And he helped kidnap two of your classmates?

Momo: Yes.

Vegeta: But why is the son of a bitch here?

It took a while until they finally connected the dots. Frieza

Gohan: It must be in Frieza's absence. Knowing that Broly can kill him, Frieza decided to take over other parts of the universe. Guessing Cooler's trying to do the same with Earth. But why?

Videl: That's obvious Gohan. He wants to exterminate all Saiyans. If he is Frieza's brother, he would want the same desires.

Bulma: I hate to admit it, but she's right, guys.

Trunks: Then we have to protect everyone. I hope is Mai is safe. She's off travelling around the world with Pilaf and Shu.

Pan/Bulla/Eri: I hope the doggy is okay.

Goku: All right, Bulma take everyone to the safest you can find away from here. Hide out until we beat Cooler. It's likely that if he is on Earth, Frieza's nearby and he may have revived out worst enemies.

Gohan: Preferably underground.

Vegeta then pounded his right fist into his palm.

Vegeta: This will be interesting. I finally get to have my revenge for Cooler kicking me in the dick.

Goten: Nemuri. Tell the other pros not to engage in the LoV. If they do, they could just be the reason for the end of the world. I'll come with you.

Nemuri pecked Goten on the cheek as they ran off to tell their warning.

Inko: Stay safe, Goku! Please!

Goku: I'll try, Inko.

Inko then gave all four of her boys a big hug as they lightly hugged back.

Izuku: Momo, You are the strongest female I know and will ever love. Tag along along with them and protect them as best as you can.

He then received a slap to the face. He wanted to inquire why until he saw the tears in her eyes and she bear hugged him.

Momo: Don't say that! It sounds like you might die! I don't want to lose you! I can't lose you! Heaven forbid that!

Izuku: I know it sounds Momo. But Don't worry. We will come back. I promise.

They then lovingly kissed loving the other more than themselves. They broke this kiss off as Momo left with the other girls to Capsule Corp to get on the ship so they could find the safest place.

Eri: P-Papa, p-p-please be careful! Mama and I will miss you!

Izuku then patted the head of their daughter as he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Izuku: I'll be just fine, Eri. I'll make it back to both you and your Mama! I promise. I'll miss you both as well. Now, go with your Mama, okay?

Eri smiled and nodded as she ran to catch up with her Mama who happily picked her up and they turned around, Eri waving at Izuku and Momo blowing kisses and waving as well with her free arm and left. Izuku first put on his green and black gi then put his hero suit on top. He put on his signature red shoes and lifted the hoodie.

Goku: Okay everyone! Let's go!

Everyone: Right!

They ran out the house and flew off to find Cooler.

Each Other's Obsessions (Saiyan Izuku X Yandere Vampire Momo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora