Your back smacked into a tree as snow shook off from the leaves above, causing it to fall around your body and onto your head.

Crunch crunch crunch

The female walked over to your injured body, singing a new melody with her mouth wide open.

Her red eyes looked down upon you as you were trembling.

Your whole torso was in excruciating pain as your eyes were squeezed shut.

You ungripped your rusted sword, as you held onto your rib cage.

She stopped singing as she took a deep breath.

"Mymy.. you really are weak, we have less than a month before the ball. If we don't get any leads at the ball, we use you as bait." She giggled to herself.

"I don't understand why you guys are so obsessed with using me as bait? You're acting like Scaramouche wants me or something!" You tried to shout at her, but your lungs quickly shut you down.

"Oh.. Kunikuzushi may not want you, but Kaeya sure does." Her voice was faint as she just threatened you.

"You Harbingers love to spread lies about Kaeya. He would never do something evil. You're just trying to piss me off!" You coughed out those words as you clung onto the tree behind you to help you out of the snow.

"Dottore didn't tell you? It's known all through the Futui. Kaeya and Kunikusushi are in the abyss together! Or dare I say, prince of Khaenri'ah." Her red eyes glistened when she saw your expression change.

A spark of ash flew close to your eye, causing you to snap out of your tantrum.

A muffled clap came from Damsellete as a red glow lit up her pale body.

"I guess you trigger your vision when your angry, now fight me." She jumped up in the air before she got lost in the snow.

You looked around frantically, although you couldn't see nor hear her. All that remained evidence wise, were her footprints, where she just stood a second before.

You just stood there, baffled, as to where she could of gone. It's like she evaporated into thin air, even though she just threatened you to a fight.

Your head and eyes traveled down to see your pyro vision, stuck on your belt loop, glowing much more than it does normally.

"Rule number one is never take your eyes off your opponent, I expected you to know that much." Her voice was right above your head, coming from the pine tree covered in snow and sharp forest green leaves.

You gripped your sword back in your dominant hand, as your other hand was wrapped around your throbbing rib cage.

With any strength you had left, you looked above you to see the woman standing on a lone branch, balancing perfectly as her dark black and hot pink hair flowed with the blizzard forming around us.

The branch shook as the freshly made snow that hugged the tree branches bounced off as Damsellete jumped off the tree, doing a flip mid air.

She was coming down, exactly where you stood. Your first instinct was to jump out of the way before getting crushed by her.

Her foot came piercing down as you merely moved out of the way in time. Rolling in the snow which now covered your whole body causing your eye sight to be blocked for a few seconds.

You heard the snow ruffle as Damselette released her body from the soft snow.

You groaned as you forced your body up since you couldn't just lay in the snow or you'd die right here and now.

dottore x reader {the mad doctor}Where stories live. Discover now