Wow I've got to get my shit together, she thought.

Eric took a step forward threateningly.

"I think the Stiff can speak for herself don't you think Four?"

"Last time she spoke for herself she wound up in medical". Four spat.

Emery couldn't help but hide a snicker as Eric looked as if Four had struck him across the face. "one thing is letting her out early, but letting her be under your supervision is beyond stupid."

You could tell Eric wanted to scream, to make Fours face black and blue like he did to Al. They were always close to that line, Four and Eric, something unspoken and hidden, but something that was furious and bubbling.

"That's not your choice"

"Neither is it yours, if she is staying with you then I want her to stay with me every other night also", Eric scoffed. "It's pretty reasonable considering what you've done to her over the past few days. I understand we need to be harsh, but not childish", Four carried on, Emery couldn't help but smile now.

Four was, like the rest of Dauntless, daunting and cold and harsh; cased in an attractive wrapping. Emery had seen that caring side glimmer ever so often, but seeing him speak to Eric like that caused that flutter in her stomach to just double and triple in size.

" I want to ensure her safety and make sure you're not practising your knife throwing on her" Four finished as he got closer to Eric.

Eric opened his mouth to say something but before he could, nervous this was going to turn into a real fight, Emery butted in.

"It's not any of your decision where I stay, I am perfectly fine staying in my dorm with the rest of the Initiates, I don't need your help".

"Fine, but I can't let you do that with your injuries, you will have to stay with me while you're getting your strength back" Eric was talking to Emery but his eyes were fixed on Four, as if he were trying to antagonize him. Prove something. Provoke him.

"Both" Four corrected, looking back at Eric.  "you'll have to stay with both of us until you get your strength back. Me one night, Eric the other"


"Because I'm your leader now, and I was given that position for a reason. l make the rules, I know best". Eric finished abruptly, practically spitting at Emery, before walking out of the corridor and into the dorm to give the wakeup call.


After Eric had left, there had been silence between Four and Emery.
Four just didn't know what to say, how to say that he didn't just want Emery to not stay with Eric because he didn't like him; but because he wanted to be around her. Every minute. Something he had been thinking about for a while.

She was always on his mind.

When they entered the mess hall, she could feel her friends eyes on her.

Oh god. She thought.
No, this doesn't look weird.
She saw Will smirk a little and nudge Christina.
Not weird at all.
Christina raised her eyebrows.
Ok it looks weird.


They sat in the same spot for breakfast as always, Christina, Will, Uriah and Emery, it had been like that since the first day Emery had sat down with Eric and Four having the only free seats. Now the two men just joined the empty chairs beside them. Not saying anything, just glancing up and eating.

But today unwelcome visitors arrived; Peter, Molly and Brock came to sit down next to them. Emery didn't have anything against Brock personally, he just had bad taste in friends it seemed.

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