After weaving through the passageways Dustin knew surprisingly well for whatever reason, they ended up in a place Laurie could only describe as unfamiliar, the Starcourt Cinema.

She'd much rather go to Hawk Theatre if she was being entirely honest. It's a place where she has a lot of fond memories with, most of which include Robin specifically because used to have a job there back in '84. It's a place she'd like to make memories with Steve if he wants to. She'd ask him now if she could, having that her usual timidity dissolved into unearned confidence, but something about them being on the run tells her she should wait for a more appropriate time.

"The movies?" Robin groans, running a stray hand through her dirty blonde locks, exasperated. "Dustin, seriously?"

"I'm sorry, did you have a better idea?" Dustin barks at Robin, pushing himself up on his toes to scan the rows of seats for any empty ones. The older girl scowls. "Yeah, I didn't think so,"

"Why the hell are we even here?" The Sinclair girl asks, patience wearing thinner by the second before Steve and Laurie has started giggling again for no apparent reason.

"We're laying low, cooling off, going incognito He tells the group simply as he sneaks out of the passageway door and quickly gestures the rest of them to follow. If the bright flashes of light and yelling coming from the film screen are telling Laurie anything, it's that this is anything but incognito.

Before Laurie can interject, she feels something nudge against her shoulder. She turns her head and smiles when she realises it was Steve, but it's not long before her eyes widen slightly after noticing him holding a half-empty, crinkled popcorn bucket.

Her mouth waters at the sights when he tilts it toward her, a silent offer Laurie is grateful for because she's starving. She eagerly takes a handful and not so prettily shoves it into her mouth - not that Steve minds by any accord - and she hums in satisfaction at the taste. This might be the best thing she's ever eaten.

"Y'know what would make this taste even better? Skittles," Steve mutters and Laurie's ears perk up in interest. It seems like Steve was about to go on a tangent about the mix between salty and sweet, but he's suddenly being dragged along and into the theatre by Dustin before he can utter another word. It's not long before Erica grabs Laurie's hand and follows suit.

As they descend past the rows of seats towards the front of the theatre, Laurie quickly glances at Robin, who's looking nervously at the people staring at them from their seats. She's always hated being the centre of attention, especially in large crowds like this one. So, without even giving it a second thought, Laurie laces her free hand with Robin's and gives it a reassuring squeeze before she sends her a lazy smile.

"Alright, you two, sit," Dustin says to Laurie and Steve as they reach the front row, pointing his finger at two seats like they're a pair of dogs he's training.

Steve groans and plops himself down into the spot Dustin designated him. "These seats blow, man!"

"I've already seen this, Dustin!" Laurie complains simultaneously, a little too loud but thankfully the frantic shouting from the old man on the screen conceals her voice. "Why can't we watch something else?"

"What are you talking about?" Robin's eyes snap over to her best friend and her eyebrows knit together. "You've never seen this movie!"

Laurie narrows her eyes. "How do you know?"

Robin gapes at her best friend for a moment before scoffing, "Because I asked you to go see it with me two weeks ago and you said no so I had to watch it with my mother!"

[REWRITING] When He Sees Me, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now