006 The First Lie

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Currently, Laurie is driving her and Robin back to her place, nervously glancing at the watch on her wrist every few minutes. It's almost quarter past 12, and she should have been home almost half an hour ago.

She's been late coming home maybe once or twice before and nothing really came of it. Maybe a disappointed look and a metaphorical slap on the wrist, but she'd never really had to face legitimate consequences.

However, her parents aren't exactly in the best state of mind at the moment. Their anxiety being at an all time high and their moods somewhat similar to a ticking time bomb, Laurie is dreading the thought of being caught coming home this late.

She had wound the windows down only a few minutes ago, the warm summer air being a somewhat breeze compared to the humid heat boiling in her car from being parked under the blazing sun all afternoon.

Robin is sat in the passengers side with her red converses propped up against the dashboard despite Laurie's request, only further adding to the scuff marks from the other numerous times she's done this.

Robin's eyes are glued to the yellow notepad in front of her, the translated code scribbled all over it. Her brows are knitted together and she's chewing on the end of her pen in thought, occasionally rewriting the sentences they translated in hopes that she'll finally have her lightbulb moment and suddenly understand what the code means.

Normally Laurie would be nodding her head to the beat of the song blasting on her radio, maybe even mumbling the lyrics under her breath until Robin joins in. Most of their time together in Laurie's car end with them turning the radio's volume all the way up, windows down, and the development of headaches that future them will have to deal with.

[REWRITING] When He Sees Me, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now