"Oh, damn," Steve shuffles in his chair to straighten his posture that had become slouched during his slumber. "M'sorry. That sucks,"

"Yeah, it totally sucks," Laurie breathes out, doing her best at ignoring the tingling sensation blooming in her fingers. "Majorly, actually. Like, I goddamn loved that watch, Steve, y'know? It was pretty and beige and had these cute little symbols and-"

"Laurie?" The sound of her name cuts Laurie's muttering short and she would have been mad if it wasn't Steve who had said it. "Do you feel.. anything?"

The girl pauses, brows pinching together at his words. "What d'you mean?"

"Like.. do you feel weird, or anything?" Steve reiterates, turning his head to the side in an attempt to look at her. He doesn't sound like himself, the usual charm and slyness in his voice seemingly suppressed by whatever the Russians injected into them.

"Uh.. my neck was hurting earlier," She confesses, cringing at the memory of how it felt when her muscles tensed around the needle as it pierced the skin in the junction under her jaw. "But other than that, I think I feel fine,"

Steve's voice is still groggy when he says, "You think?"

Truthfully, Laurie feels incredibly out of it, but since when does Steve have to know everything? There's this subtle buzz radiating through her body and she feels like she's a hive full of irritated bees. Her eyelids feel a little heavier than usual, almost as if she's on the cusp of falling into a deep slumber aside from the fact that she's not exactly tired. It's an odd sensation, one she's never quite felt before, but the pain in her joints and her head has subsided, so that's gotta be a good thing, right?

"I mean, my hands feel.. weird," Laurie admits through an elongated sigh, staring down at her strange-feeling appendages and she frowns at the sight of her nails. They're chipped and faded and are in desperate need of a manicure. "Like.. tingly? I don't know. But.. I guess I feel fine?"

"Yeah, I feel- I feel normal," Steve agrees, moving his gaze back to the wall in front of him, apparently satisfied with her answer. Laurie nods to herself and there's maybe a few seconds of silence, a comforting one despite the predicament they're in before a hearty chuckle escapes Steve's lips.

Laurie grins at the sound. "What's so funny?"

"I just.. I feel kinda good," Steve tells her after giggling to himself and Laurie's mouth drops into a small O-shape. "I actually feel really, really good, Laurie,"

Oh my god, is Steve high?

Something about Steve's laugh is infectious and before she knows it, Laurie's snickering too. It's a silent laugh, subtle against Steve's arguably loud cackling and she's strangely aware of how her abdominal muscles contract with every giggle she lets out. Although there's nothing particularly funny happening, the girl can't seem to find the strength to compose herself.

Oh my god, is she high?

"Steve, can I tell you something?" Laurie barely manages to squeeze her question past her uncontrollable laughter and Steve nods a little too eagerly. She leans her head back against his and her smile widens. "I feel really good too,"

Holy shit, she's higher than a kite.

Steve seems to be approving of this fact, muttering a "Hell yeah," under his breath after the confession leaves her lips. Laurie's never been high before, but because she's heard through the grapevine that Steve used to frequent Mary Jane back in high school, she's less paranoid than she thought she'd be. If she's gonna be drugged out of her mind, she's glad she's with Steve.

[REWRITING] When He Sees Me, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now