"And the day is just starting." She popped the piece of fruit into her own mouth before leaning over to the side table and grabbing the single wrapped present I hadn't noticed since being wrapped up in her this morning.

"You really didn't have to get me anything, waking up next to you is the best gift I could ever have." I saw the blush come over her face as she placed the gift in her own lap since she occupied mine.

"I did though and I know you'll like this one." She handed me the box.

It was awkward with her situated so close to me. She even tried to move, but I brought my left arm up to wrap around her waist. Pulling her closer to me, she had no choice but to lay her head against my left shoulder as both of my hands could now reach the small box situated in her lap. She laid a soft kiss against my temple as I started unwrapping the paper.

It was plain, brown paper that no one could even suspect as being a present if it wasn't for the delicate bow carefully placed in the center on top. Inside was even more under the radar, a plain white box that gave me no clues to its contents. The velvet hinged box inside of that though was what really gave her away.

"Typically men get women jewelry on their birthday..." She chuckled, moving her left hand up to lay on my chest as she chuckled.

There were no words from her though as I discarded the box next to me on the table. When I opened the velvet box, I understood. She had taken my key to our lock and had it added to a chain bracelet, one that was definitely my style and fit in with my current accessories. It meant I could wear it more often instead of just carrying it around. What caught my attention more though, was the second matching one that sat within the first in the box.

"I figured they would need something more permanent. My little chain broke..." I ran my tongue over my lower lip before looking at her.

"It's perfect baby...so fucking perfect..." I kissed her then, bringing my right hand up to rest lightly on her cheek as I did. She pulled back first though, staring into my eyes.

"May I?" Her hand went over mine that was holding the box, but I scoffed.

"Absolutely not, I get to put yours on first. It's my birthday and I'll absolutely mark you as mine." She rolled her eyes.

"How you go from sweet to dominant all in the span of five minutes will never cease to shock me." She sat up again, bringing her right leg over my lap so she was straddling me. She still held out her left arm, giving me the go ahead.

"The downside of being in a secret relationship is the secret part sometimes," my hands carefully removed the smaller bracelet from the box,"I don't think you understand how badly I wish I could strut down pit lane screaming about how lucky I am. How insanely jealous everyone else should be that you, Maeve, are all mine." Her cheeks flushed as I spoke, the feeling on my fingers dancing over the veins on her wrist as I secured the small bracelet, not helping I'm sure.

"Just imagine the day that I can do that... How many people will stare at us as I hold you in my arms," I turned the bracelet around, making sure the key was facing up at us," They'll look at us, not in jealousy. It would be pure envy, knowing that they very well may not ever know a love as strong as ours. The comments will be something along the lines of knowing we always loved each other, wishing that they could find someone who cared for them as much as we care for each other."

My hands dropped slowly, resting on the tops of her exposed thighs. My shirt had ridden up and exposed all of the gorgeous and time consuming tattoos that adorned her skin there. My fingertips lightly traced over the line work, allowing myself to enter dangerous territory as I moved farther and farther up her skin. Her hands dropped down, moving to lay flat against my chest before sliding up to lace her fingers together behind my neck.

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