Haunted (Angst with a happy ending)

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Description: When ghost of Yuki suddenly starts haunting Grian on the Hermitcraft, Ellen is invited on the server to help him.
Word Count: 2810
Characters: Grian, Ellen, Xisuma and Boatem members
CW: Graphic depictions of dead bodies and Suicide


Grian had more connections with death and murder than he liked to admit.

He's killed people, seen people be killed, lived with murderers. He wouldn't necessarily consider any of that to be his fault, considering he was pushed to do all those things. It was all a matter of circumstance.

That's what peer-pressure does to one, he supposed. You just might end up killing people because of your psycho friend's desire to join the local Japanese crime organization and cause trouble.

Due to these experiences with death, he also was a firm believer in ghosts.

Of course, many people who didn't have a long history with him were confused by this. He didn't seem like the type of person to believe in that stuff, and they weren't wrong about that.

For a long time, he didn't believe in that stuff. He was a skeptic at one point. However, it only took one night for him to become a believer. After all, it was difficult to be so skeptical when you see the thing you're supposed to be doubting the existence of standing right in front of you.

He was only 17 when he saw, first hand, what a dead body really looked like.

Her pale grey limbs were bent in such a horrid, grotesque fashion that it actually hurt to look at her. Blood was spilling from her head, coming from a sizable dent above her temple. Her mouth and eyes were wide open, like she was permanently screaming in terror and agony. She was his age and he couldn't help but picture himself in her place.

Grian could still feel the pounding of his heart, the tears gathered in his eyes, his heavy breathing. He felt like he was staring into the face of death.

He tightly clutched the charm in his pocket that Ellen had given him, hand gripped around it like it was his only lifeline. And, in a way, it was.

Is she going to hurt me? Is she going to make me suffer like her?

Salex didn't hurt him, though. Instead, she looked at him with such sadness and fear in her gaze, like she was trapped in a world of permanent pain and torment that she couldn't control.

He remembers thinking,

Who did this to you?

But he still couldn't voice his thoughts, only let out little choked sounds of terror and confusion.

And yet, even though he didn't say anything, he knew she understood what he wanted to say.

He also knew that she couldn't answer.


Salex looked healthier now, a lot less mangled. As did Gareth. They were both happy. Thankful.


Grian watched as the two finally passed on, alleviated of their anguish after Yuki had taken her own life. Sam observed with a semi-interested stare, while Taurtis mourned at the realization that his once-was girlfriend was actually gone for good this time.

Why wasn't he surprised that Yuki was the murderer all along? They were all killers in their own way, sure, but they were dragged into it. She killed Gareth's wife and Salex on her own accord .

He vaguely remembered Gareth's wife being a horrible, nasty woman, but that wasn't the point.

"Yuki killed everyone," Grian muttered before looking accusingly at Sam, "and you went out with her!"

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