Eating Salex (Angst & Hurt/Comfort)

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Description: Grian remembers something he wished he didn't, Boatem hermits comfort him.
Word Count: 1459
Characters: Grian, Sam, Taurtis, Yuki, Impulse, Scar, Mumbo and Pearl
CW: Cannibalism and Vomiting


It was a silly mistake on his part, really.

Grian forgot to buy something for lunch while at CrabManCarl's shop this morning. He was too busy listening to Sam and Taurtis talk nonsense on random topics, restraining himself from arguing with their strange logic. It seemed he was the only sane person in this town, he couldn't win an argument with them even if he tried. It was simply better to just stay quiet most of the time.

However, sometimes this would lead to him going hungry for the rest of the day, since he would often be too distracted to buy something to eat.

When the bell rang and Sam shouted about it being lunch time, he frowned deeply. This was already the 3rd time this week this had happened.

Still, they walked into the Cafeteria and sat down at a table. Sam sat next to Yuki on one side while Taurtis sat next to Grian on the other.

As everyone started eating, Sam looked over to Grian and frowned.

"Where's your food, Gree-on?"

Grian jumped slightly and scratched the back of his head.

"Uhm, I kind of forgot to buy something at the shop again today."

Sam smirked,

"Geez, you're so forgetful, Gree-on. You'd think you'd learn from the last couple of times this happened."

Grian sighed,

"Do any of you guys happen to have anything on you?" He asked hopefully.

Taurtis looked at him with a pitiful expression while Yuki shook her head.

"Sorry dude, I only got Toritos, and these are all I have. I can give you a couple maybe?"

As Grian was about to accept the offer, Sam cut in with a large smile.

"No, no! I actually happen to have something extra on me, cause I had a feeling I'd need it. You're lucky I'm such a good friend, Gree-on, thinking of others' well-being!"

"Aww, Sam, you're such a sweetheart!" Yuki gushed, hugging her boyfriend's arm.

Grian looked back towards him, ignoring the sea of compliments coming from the pink-haired girl.

"You mean, you got something extra at CrabManCarl's?"

Sam's smile seemed more sinister than usual, but maybe it was just his imagination.

"Oh, no! It's actually something much more fresh than the packaged stuff at the shop!"

Sam pulled a suspicious looking slice of meat out his pocket and Grian almost gagged at the sudden horrid smell that invaded the air.

"See? I brought lunch for you!" Sam exclaimed as he tossed the mysterious meat over to Grian's side of the table.

Grian immediately brought a hand up to cover his nose and mouth.

"Sorry, but I think I'd rather just not eat today." He replied, voice muffled.

Almost as if a switch had been flicked, Yuki and Sam turned to him with cold looks on their faces. He swore he felt the room drop in temperature dramatically in that moment.

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