The Scrapbook (Crack)

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Description: Scar looks through a scrapbook filled with some of Grian's YHS/Tokyo Soul moments.
Word Count: 2009
Characters: Scar and Grian


Scar landed in front of Grian's base, stumbling a bit from a rough landing. They'd been meaning to meet up to talk about the big project they'd been working on for the head games. Something that was guaranteed to help them get the win.

Grian, who had been sitting at the bottom of the Mansion stairs, looked up at him and grinned. Scar noticed he was holding a red sack of some sort. It was definitely full of something, pointy bits and bobs seemed to poke out from the bottom of the bag.

"Hey Scar, what's up?" The mischievous Hermit asked.

"Oh, you know, same old same old. Just struggling to get heads," Scar laughs, "might I ask though, what's that you got there in your hands?"

"Oh, this? Just something an old friend sent me. It's just some junk from my high school days that I left behind. I was going to throw it away, but I might still look through it to see if there's anything valuable hidden in here!" Grian said, shaking the bag up and down for emphasis.

Scar let out an "oooooh" as Grian stood up from his seat on the steps.

"By the way," Grian started, "could you hold this for a second? I need to go back in my base for something real quick and I'd rather not leave this unattended, y'know?"

"Oh! Sure!"

Grian grinned once more and handed the bag over,

"Great, thanks!" He turned around, "I'll be right out!" He said as he set off a few rockets and flew into the mansion.

Scar sighed and looked down at the red bag in his hands.

Grian was still a pretty new Hermit, so they didn't know much about his past. Actually, now that he thought about it, they didn't know anything about his past.

"It's just some junk from high school. I was going to throw it away."

Surely Grian wouldn't mind if he looked inside, right? Like he said, it was filled with old items from his high school days. Stuff that he probably hadn't looked through in ages. Stuff he didn't really seem to care for.

Feeling his curiosity get the better of him, Scar opened the red bag with furrowed brows.

The inside of the bag was cluttered with stuff he didn't recognize. Perhaps the server had special items that were unique to it?

He carefully picked up a flat, rectangular object. It was black, one side more shiny and reflective than the other. And the less shiny side had a silver symbol of a crab that had a bite taken out of it? Odd.

Unable to tell what that was supposed to do (it seemed to have buttons but none of them did anything when he pressed them,) he moved on to the next item.

He picked up a red plastic bag with pictures of orange, triangular shaped things on it. Food, he guessed. The logo read "Toritos" (although the T seemed to be drawn onto the bag in different writing than the rest of the letters.) He briefly wondered if it was still good and if Grian would let him try some, before putting it down.

He spotted another thing that looked like food and picked it up. It was a small box labeled "Pocky" and looked like it was some sort of stick covered in chocolate. Scar almost felt his mouth water from the look of it. He really hoped Grian would let him try this one. As he turned it around, he found the box was covered in a language he couldn't understand. He placed it back down reluctantly.

Grian-Centric Oneshots (YHS Trauma, Injury)Where stories live. Discover now