⚠️Important A/N ⚠️

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This is a kind of a rant but also an A/N to finally address my long absence.
Since I dunno how community posts work, I'm just gonna release this as a chapter (and then possibly remove it later)

Hey guys! For some of y'all it's almost been a year since I've posted a new chapter. The last time I posted a community post was actually 5 months ago.

So I dunno how to start this, but I've been working on the latest(s) chapter(s), but I've also taken a break to think. A lot.

So since my last chapter, I've actually been writing short bits of chapter 5. And then April came around and I was (still am) almost done writing the chapter. I had a one week break for Easter and I was determined to get that released on that week. Well, I didn't and I actually blame my laziness on that.

And so after that week, I started my last quarter of the year with science and math and it hit my like a ton of bricks. I had tests basically every week till the end of the year (End of April to end June) and these tests mattered (greatly) so it did take a toll on me mentally. I was so focused on studying for these subjects that I had no time for anything else. And so, school ends and I'm like "great! Now I can finish this chapter." And then I don't. I actually got stuck and haven't been working on it since.

And now we come to today, where I have decided to catch up on my hobbies, sleep and spend time with friends and family. And where I've also released nothing. I will release chapter 5 in the foreseeable future and I actually feel nothing but guilt. I have apologized so many times in the past for my delays and it feels too much. I'm sorry for leaving the majority of you in the dark and (possibly) upsetting some of you.

And for a little while, I've been thinking of like posting a post saying "oh I'm going on a hiatus" or just dropping the book completely, to kind of justify my absence. But I don't. Because I keep thinking about how strangers took interest into my book and liked it. And that's what keeps me going I guess.

So yeah that's it really. I dunno how to properly end this so there's that. I'll release the next chapter in the foreseeable future. My goal is to get it released this month.

Ok bye. This is too long now.

PUBLISHED: 07/12/2022

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