"Okay, that sounds perfect," the girl with the braids remarked with a chirp.

"Glad to hear it, Nezzie," Alexander raved.

Inez shook her head from side to side. "Don't call me Nezzie."

"Come on, just this once?" The Korean boy nagged. "It's cute on you."

"You've got jokes," Inez rolled her eyes playfully as she gestured to a stairwell, which many other students flew into. "I have to catch the bus, so I'll see you soon."

Alexander waved her goodbye as he watched the girl disappear into a mob of other students who were also squashed together in the broad space of the stairs. As he turned around to head the opposite direction to the student parking lot, he couldn't help but think about his first date and everything in between.

It was completely unknown how it would turn out. But Alexander Choi knew one thing for sure: Worrying about it would only make things worse.

Time will tell.

"You're going out?" Inez Archer's mother, Gabrielle, questioned as she slipped on her black sneakers at the foot of the house's stairwell

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"You're going out?" Inez Archer's mother, Gabrielle, questioned as she slipped on her black sneakers at the foot of the house's stairwell. It was an unusually bright Saturday afternoon, two forty-nine to be exact, and Inez was waiting on her ride so she could get to Bruster's faster.

It was eleven minutes before her date, but who's counting? All that mattered was she got there on time, which she wasn't quite on-track for. A few hours prior, she received an incoming Instagram direct message from Alexander, who reminded her that the date would be at three. Now, she was down to the last minutes before the new hour, so she'd need to get passed her mother so she could leave the house. 

If only that were easier said than done. 

"Yeah, I'm going to get ice cream," Inez mused as she opened a compact mirror, which came directly from her purse. Her braids still looked new, and her baby hairs were completely laid in a swirl design — not one hair sticking up, she hoped. Her make-up was also done a little, and her outfit supported the look completely. She wore a plain white T-shirt, which was covered by a light off-white street coat. To match, she wore black jeans with tall brown, leather boots, which matched the two buttons of her coat.

"You look a little too nice to just be getting some ice cream, Nez," Gabrielle interrogated as she grabbed her insulated lunch tote. "What's going on?"

"Okay, I'm going to hang out with Alexander, the boy I told you all about," Inez admitted as she tucked her compact mirror into her purse.

The girl's mother gave her a look, one of her eyebrows raised as she planted her hands on her hips. 

"I know what you're thinking, but it's just a little date. We're going to get ice cream at Bruster's like normal people," the girl reasoned with a plea. "I'll be back soon."

"Okay, but you're very lucky your father decided to visit your aunt for the day," Gabrielle nodded her head as she held the front door open. "You know how much he worries — he'd have a lot of questions."

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