𝗢𝗽𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 || Ace x F!reader

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~•~•~ Requested by: HolyBebe ~•~•~

"Y/N, the Spade Pirates are already docked!" Hearing the shouts of her first mate Kiara, Y/N jumps up from her hammock to get a better look at the scene before them.

Much to her discontent, low and behold, the Spade Pirates were already docked safe and sound in the harbor of Wealth Island, Y/N's next destination.

"That bastard!" Y/N exclaims, slamming her fist on the railing of her ship. "He has to know what we're after, full speed ahead!" Y/N commands, getting ready to jump off the ship the second they're safely secured to the harbor.

As much as Y/N wanted to claim the rumored gemstone of Wealth Island for herself, nothing was more important to her than the well-being of her crew. Oftentimes this meant her fated rival, Portgas D. Ace, would get a head start in their little races as he left his crew to fend for themselves.

The two of them could not be any more opposite. Y/N tended to remain calm and collected, shutting her heart from any silly thoughts of love. Her crew would often tease her and say that her personality was a match made in heaven for her devil fruit... the Paramecia Ice-Ice fruit.

Ace on the other hand, well he was a wild card. Sickeningly optimistic and warm-hearted, he dived right into the most precarious situations without a care in the world.

The absolute only thing the two had in common was their rivalry. Unfortunately, traversing the Grand Line on the same path, Y/N and Ace were practically fated to run into each other on every island they visited.

This often meant that whoever harbored first would get the loot. But this time, Y/N was determined to get her hands on that gemstone, the crowning piece of treasure to finally make a name for herself.

Once the crew was situated in the harbor, Y/N sprinted up the mountain of Wealth Island, wasting no time in scaling cliffs, jumping over ravines, traversing quick sand, all to reach the temple at the top mountain.

Turning her arms to sharp ice picks, Y/N scales the mountainside with ease. At some point she decides to look back down at the view below her, deciding to savor her assured victory.

Of course, the second she did that, there he was, propelling himself through the air with his damned Logia fruit. Spotting Y/N clinging on to the cliff, Ace can't help but laugh.

"Hey Y/N! Quite the view huh?" Ace shouts mockingly, hovering in midair as his lower half was turned to flames. Glaring back at him, Y/N shoots him a bird before continuing her climb. From her peripheral vision, she can see Ace mockingly flexing, trying to distract her from the task at hand.

Deciding to toy with her some more, Ace leisurely hovers a couple feet in front of Y/N, looking down at her as she struggles to keep going. "How tall do you think this mountain is?" Ace muses, winking at Y/N when she merely grunts in response.

"I really don't know why you keep going Y/N. Just like always, I'll win. Fire melts ice after all~" Ace teases, bringing his flames dangerously close to Y/N's arms that were now pure ice.

Before he realizes just how close he was, Y/N's arms melt under the sweltering heat and she falls off the cliff side. Ace watches in horror as she crashes into the side of the rocky mountain, tumbling down until her mangled body stops on a ledge.

'Shit! What did I do!?' Ace thinks, rushing down to where Y/N's unconscious body lied. Upon closer inspection, Ace can see the burn marks on Y/N's arms.

'She's not a Logia!?' Ace internally exclaims. 'That means the ice melting... those were her arms!'

Not hesitating any further, Ace tenderly picks the unconscious girl up and rushes back down the mountain, straight back into the village where their ships were docked.

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