𝗙𝗶𝗲𝗿𝘆 || Ace x F!reader

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"Captain! Look starboard!!" Deuce yells from the nest.

Napping after a huge meal, Ace groggily mumbles some curses under his breath before begrudgingly following Deuce's word. "This better be worth it Deuce, my dream was just getting good!" Ace yells back as he peers into the distance.

Eyes adjusting to the sunlight, it takes him a minute to register what he was seeing. Just on the horizon, he could make out the shape of a small boat, no bigger than a one person dingy.

Using the telescope, Deuce gets a better look at the approaching vessel. "Ace! There's someone on the ship, a woman!"

At the mention of a woman, many of the other crew members perk up and rush to the starboard side of the ship, crowding around Ace to take a look. Annoyed, Ace turns his body into flames, making his crew members jump back at the sudden heat.

"C'mon Ace, let us take a look!" Skull protests as he pats his clothes down to put out the fire.

"Instead of ogling at the poor woman, go help her! This part of the sea has unbearable heat, it'd be a miracle if she wasn't dead already!!" Ace retorts.

Scrambling across the deck, it doesn't take the Spade Pirates long to reach the stranded woman. Upon closer inspection many of the crew members, including Ace, recognize that the woman was from a well-off background based on her garb.

"Hey, do ya think if we bring the girl back to whatever country she comes from we'll get a reward from her parents?" Mihar inquires as he hangs off the side of the boat, watching as Ace pulls the woman on board.

"Instead of gawking at her go and get some water, and medicine!" Ace commands, his crew quick to obey.

Distracted by his crew, he doesn't realize the woman he was holding was coming to, her eyes fluttering open as she welcomes the shade. "Where am I?" Y/N questions, her voice just barely audible.

Snapping his head back towards the origin of the sound, Ace is startled to see the girl conscious. "Woah there! Don't go wasting your breath right now, my crew is getting you some water and medicine so just sit tight alright!?"

Too exhausted to argue, Y/N closes her eyes and rests in Ace's embrace. Shortly after, Y/N feels the sweet relief of water on her tongue, the sensation helping her regain her energy.

Ace carries the girl back inside their ship, putting her down on a couch so she could rest. Silently, Ace motions for the crew to give her some space, clearly needing some rest before she could explain herself.

Once outside, the crew gathers around Ace, anxiously awaiting what his verdict would be regarding their newest arrival.

"What're you lot standing around for, we've got places to be!" Ace barks, letting his crew know that despite his lax personality, he's still the captain.

~•~•~ Five hours later ~•~•~

'Where am I!?' Y/N thinks to herself as she sits up, surveying her surroundings.

Next to her, she spots a glass of water and a sandwich, both of which she happily consumes. Once finished, she uses a small mirror hanging on the wall to fix herself up as best as she could before exiting to the main deck.

The sunlight bearing down on her, Y/N strains her eyes to see the figures in front of her... a boat full of men.

'What did I get myself into...'

Turning towards the woman in unison, Y/N jumps in surprise as the men rapid fire questions at her, crowding around to get a better look.

"Who are you?!"

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