✯Thirty✯ - Heartbreaking Call

Start from the beginning

A hurt and scared look appeared in his eyes. "The contract meant nothing. I never planned on making it a thing. It's fake. It was just something to push Gideon away, and have a chance with you."

Teresa shook her head in skepticism. "You made him sign those.papers the same way you did to me, concerning Alexa's sponsorship. It's all just a game to you." She finally bawled out, completely a sobbing mess.

Jacob shook his head in disagreement, his hands stretched forward to hold her, but he thought back on doing so. "Teresa I told you every bit of things I did was just to make you give me a chance to see me."

She shifted her eyes on him, glaring at his tall figure. "No! You're a sick man, obsessed by the thought of being with me, that you'd use any means in making it so."

"You know that's not true." He grunted out like he was in pain. She could see tears hanging in his eyes. "I love you Teresa. Please don't start doing this to me. I've loved you for years, and still do. All this happened because you never gave me a chance."

"So now am I to blame?"

"Don't." He said groan in frustration, pulling his hair out, his eyes lifted up trying to fight back the tears from spilling out.

"Don't what?" She struggled to breathe, her hands clenched to her chest.

His gaze dropped back at hers. He shook his head with a plea. "Don't push me away again. Stop running from this. Just trust me this once." He tried once again covering the space between them.

Her hands stretched forward to prevent him from doing so. "No. Stay right there." She ordered, pausing to gather herself together, wiping her cheeks, stained with tears. "I need time. Time to think." She saw his mouth open as he tried to speak, before adding. "I'm not running. I promise. This whole thing is just too much for me, that I can't completely think straight. I don't want to make a rushed decision that I'll come to regret. I just need space."

They gaze locked together. She could see the hesitancy in his eyes and figure. This time around he didn't heed to her warning, and pulled her to a tight embrace she did not return, before placing a soft kiss on her forehead, his tears touching her forehead.

"Come back to me." He whispered, in a vulnerable voice. Almost broken, before realizing her.

She found herself unable to move for a while, her eyes just staring at him. The strength to move came. Quickly she dashed out of his house, not before picking up her handbag, and left the building, then hailed a cab to take her straight to her and Alexa's apartment.

The moment she got into the car. A heavy rain began pouring. The sky was completely dark, showing how hard, heavy and long it would rain. She felt like the sky was crying with her, as the driver drove through the heavy rain.

The weather showed her exact feelings, and emotions. Sad. 

She cried a quiet cry, not wanting to capture the driver's attention. But she knew she was failing miserably. A total mess up person, that was how she felt. She had never cried this hard before, not even when had her first heartbreak. 

She cried for Gideon, the friendship that might end. She cried for Jacob, a relationship she had come to cherish and love.


Jacob had confessed his love for her. If it had been another time he had said those words, she'd have jumped up in joy. But now?

She wanted to believe his love, she really did. But how can she? Those words did calm her a little that she found herself struggling with her own emotion.

The driver informed her she had gotten to her destination. She paid him, before quickly leaving the cab, and dashing towards the building lobby, trying to avoid the rain from drenching her, still some of the drops touched her.

In a flash, she entered the elevator, quietly waiting for it to reach her floor. While thankful for the lack of people, preventing others from gossiping about her state.

She unlocked her apartment door, ignoring the vibration of her phone ringing in her bag. The thought of it being Jacob or Gideon prevented her from picking it up.

Her back rested on the closed door, and dark apartment. She sat on the floor, her head bent down between her legs, with her arms wrapped around her knees. 

Teresa's body shook as she cried her eyes out. The entire emotions of the day are getting to her already. 

She knew Jacob was right. All her life, she ran away from her problems rather than facing it. She preferred running than confronting, she also knew there was no way she was going to stay angry for long.

Hopefully sooner than later.

Teresa's phone kept ringing to the extent she couldn't ignore it. She scrambled through her bag, taking out her phone to realize it was her mother calling.

She had forgotten about their weekend calls. And what a wrong time to call. She feared her mother would be able to recognize the sadness in her voice. But she still found herself swiping the answer button.

"Hi Mom." She greeted, and cleared her voice when her weak response came out.

"Oh darling I'm so sorry. All will be well." Her mother's voice spoke out.

Teresa mentally cursed herself for giving herself away, until her mother's word sank into her head. 

How did her mother know? Had Gideon told her? Or had Jacob? She could only guess that it must've been one of those two. She wanted none of her parents' awareness of this, but it seemed too late already.

Immediately she burst out in tears, unable to say anything, but cry. 

"I'm sorry dear. I know how much she meant to you." Her mother's comforting voice said, trying to smoothen out her sympathetic state.

It took a while for Teresa to understand her mother's statement. She sniffed in deep, finding the strength to ask. "What do you mean?"

There was a pause in the other line. For a moment she thought her mother had ended the call, but the heavy breathing proved otherwise. She was taken by surprise when her mother cried out. "Oh sweetheart! You must have been in shock. I'm so sorry."

Her comment only made Teresa more confused that she felt her head was about to explode. "I still don't understand." She murmured, shaking her head in confusion.

"I'm talking about the accident."

Teresa stiffened at the word, her feet became hot, her heart suddenly beating hard. She was breathing a struggle for her as she asked the next word. "What accident?" There wasn't a reply in the other line. Teresa could feel her mother's confusion through the phone. "Answer me Mom! What accident?"

Teresa's mother stammered. "I-I thought you knew. I was with Louisa and Harry just now, Jacob called telling us Gideon and his girlfriend Alexa had a serious car accident. Gideon is currently in the ER, and Alexa-" she paused before adding. "-she didn't make it. She's dead."

There was a loud scream in the apartment. It took a while for Teresa to realize the sound came from her.

At that moment. The room became, black and tight.


Thank you for reading Jacob's Game!!!

Next POV will be Jacob's.

So Alexa is dead. Concerning her death, I had planned for that to happen since the beginning. Which brings us to the story of Gideon.

I'll be uploading the book of Gideon Snow called 'She Who Heals'

We are Four Chapters away from ending this book. So count along with me.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!

Lots of love ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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