Chapter 25: Arm Organization V (End)

Start from the beginning

A woman drinking a cup of tea elegantly.

He owlishly blinks, verifying he isn't having any hallucinations because in front of him, is Alberu's mom.

"Cale. Sit down first." The mother of Alberu gestures at Cale. Cale followed her instruction, sitting down and making himself comfortable.

He didn't touch the food on the table or the tea served.

Cale had met Alberu's mother once and vaguely only remembered some details about her. All he had known, she had hurt Alberu emotionally.

He watches her like a hawk. She seems to notice his subtle gaze because she responds with a bright smile. Almost the same smile whenever Alberu genuinely beams at something.

Cale becomes taken aback with her action. Nervousness slowly torments him, his palms begin to sweat.

"You grew up well." She starts.

Cale clears his throat and speaks awkwardly, "Uh–Yes ma'am."

She laughs, amusement dancing in the gleam of her eyes.

"You're nervous. But fear not, I'm not going to hurt you." Cale does not know what to reply back.

Before he can think more, she talks, not minding Cale's silent helpless answer.

"You'll see Alberu soon."

Cale straightens his back.

"After this conversation." She places the tea back on the table. Two dimples showing from the way she smiles.

"I just want to thank you for taking care of Alberu when I was not in my usual self. Besides, my soul can peacefully rest knowing he will be taken care of by you. Cale, son, live your life with Alberu happily."

And with that, the scene crumbles. Darkness envelops his senses ahead, he didn't have the time to respond back.

Don't worry mother. I will take care of Alberu. Until my last breath.

The smell of disinfect woke him up and a sturdy callous hand grasped his palm.


It has been days since Cale had been sent towards the hospital. He had surgery to remove the bullets inside his body.

The case is closed. Alberu and his team had been busy with the follow up paperworks and other things to resolve the situation.

For Alberu, since he is one of the heads, his workload is much heavier from the rest but because of everyone's cooperation, things are much easier and smoother to handle.

As Cale haven't woken up, Alberu brought his workload in the hospital, keeping an eye of Cale. His relatives has been informed and there he met his kids.

Roan, On and Hong.

The first time he met them, they were worried and scared for their father. He was asked multiple questions regarding how Cale ended up in the hospital bed. Alberu patiently explained the situation for them, not leaving anything out and dodging the glance of Ron.

He assured them Cale is out of danger and now, they only need to wait for him to wake up.

After that, he receives many guests visiting Cale from his acquaintances, family, relatives, friends to his co-workers. He welcomes them and talks about Cale's condition until his throat dries up.

One of the team kindly suggested to swap with him for Alberu to take a rest however he refused. No one can budge him from his firm decision.

Selfish he seems to be. He wanted himself to be the first person Cale sees when he wakes up prior to his comatose state.

Whenever he is done with his workload and has nothing else to do, he stares at Cale's face. Guilt gnawing his heart, having thoughts of what-ifs.

What if Cale just let him be the one who got shot?

What if Cale didn't pull him away?

What if Cale just thought of his own safety first rather than his?

Will things change?

Alberu sighs to the thoughts running in his mind. The corners of lips curving upwards slightly.

If he ever has the chance to go back in time beforehand, the situation won't change in the slightest.

Cale would still pull him away from danger. Cale is like that. Not thinking of his well-being first but others close to him.

It can't be helped. This is Cale's nature.

Alberu tightens his hold on Cale's palm and releases it after.

"Cale, wake up. I need to tell you something soon." Alberu whispers, caressing Cale's cheek tenderly.

Fixing the flowers his Aunt Tasha had brought on the vase, he grabbed a chair and sat down near Cale's bed.

He holds his hand and sleeps sitting down. Drowsiness descends upon him letting sleep take over. The fatigue and tiredness catching up to his body.

He has no choice but to sleep even if he does not want to.


Cale flutters his eyes open and the first thing he sees is a white ceiling. He let his eye sight adjust to the light first.

A few minutes pass, he turns his head and catches sight of Alberu's sleeping face. Haggardness is obvious to him.

His heart aches at Alberu's appearance. He had not rested that well.

He tries to escape Alberu's grasp yet he fails to do so because Alberu has been holding his palm. Left with no choice, he settled on squeezing Alberu's hand.

Maybe it was because of his tiredness, this small action of his has been ignored. Not that he minds.

Alberu ought to have his well rested slumber.


Alberu stirs in his sleep. Nightmare haunting him prompting him to wake up with cold sweats. He props his elbow on the bed, avoiding Cale's body and blinks.

In time to see Cale blinking back.

Alberu blinks rapidly. Cale tilts his head, a soft smile forming towards Alberu. A chuckle escaping his lips and a coughing fit soon followed.

Realization befalls Alberu and he quickly lets go of Cale to pour some water for Cale to drink.

Offering the glass, Cale takes a sip to moisten his throat. He wanted to speak but was stopped by Alberu's finger hovering above his lips, indicating he should not speak first.

"Stay put and don't speak first."

Alberu pressed the emergency button.


Later, having the doctors check his body and knowing nothing is wrong, Cale watches Alberu painstakingly take care of him. Asking from time to time if he's comfortable and if he said he is, Alberu makes sure he is secure to the best of his abilities.

Even little by little strength is coming back, Alberu not once failed to spoon feed him.

"Alberu, I—"

Alberu spoons the porridge and feeds him, cutting off his next words. He tries to converse and outright confess nevertheless he has always been hindered.

Alberu did not hesitate to block his mouth with food when he tried to bring up the topic. He can only grudgingly chew and swallow the fruit fed to him.

Cale waits for the moment he will be discharged. That instant isn't that far.

He fixed his attention on Alberu.

Cale promises himself, he would fucking make Alberu a blushing mess.

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