chapter 1

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Everyone was sitting down, eating a celebration feast for Apollo and Percy's new relationship. When out of no where a flash blinded everyone. Once the light receded there stood the Fates in all their glory.

"Hello Olympians and Partners of such." Everyone jumped, looking at them, "Hello, my lady's." Zeus said, bowing his head. Now if it wasn't the Fates, a few people would of been shocked. "What brings you here?" He asked. "There is a god in here whose domains are not complete. There is one being blocked from even him by his mind." Everyone was confused, "Who is it my lady's?" Poseidon asked. "Your son, Perseus." Everyone looked at the young god in shock. "I...How do I...?" Percy asked shooting up out of his chair. Everyone held their breath, knowing Percy can have outbursts with his power still, not having full control.

"You, young god, have a mental block keeping a domain, a power hidden." He stood shocked, not noticing when Apollo got up and pulled him into a hug. "Do you know what it is?" He asked looking at them over Percy's head, being a few inches taller than him. "It feels on Prophecy but also feels of Fate. We need to look into his life to see which it is then figure out why the other is present." They said in unison. Everyone choked on air, "Hasn't he been through enough?" A voice that surprised all, was Artemis. "Yes, but if we don't do this he will only hurt himself. After a while he will realize something is missing and if he tries to tap into that missing thing, it will only lead to his undoing." Everyone nodded, looking at the young god.

Poseidon came toward the couple, "Percy it's your choice." Percy knew that this could help him, but he didn't want the others to find out what he has done or see certain things done to him. "If I don't do this, will it hurt others?" The Fates realized his thoughts and said, "Yes, it will. In your undoing mutiple things will loose function and do not forget one of your domains is Heroes, the demi-gods will no longer have a protector." Percy nodded, "I'll do it." Everyone looked down, even as gods, fatal flaws can be manipulated to control the being. "Okay tomorrow we will return, be mentally prepared to go into the past. All of you." The Fates then flash out of the room.

Everyone got ready to leave when they saw Percy collapsed onto his kneea. "Percy!" Apollo yelled only to realize he was still awake, "Perce...seahorse?" Percy looked up, tears were rushing down his face. "Oh, Perce." Apollo said, pulling him into a hug. "I didn't want you guys to find out about him. I knew you were aware of-" Percy hiccuped. "Hey, I understand, I don't think everything will be shown, but...Perce we will not look at you differently or be pitiful." Apollo said wiping tears off his face. "We will not treat you any different. You will be any different in our eyes." Apollo hugged the young god. "Okay?" Percy nodded putting his face into Apollo's shoulder. Apollo was about to get worried on Percy not moving until he realized he fell asleep.

Everyone had left the room once they realized Percy was physically okay and left Apollo to comfort him. They all headed to their quarters to rest and mentally prepare for the next day, while the couple talked.

Apollo took Percy to his quarters and laid him on the bed, once he was covered by the sheets he left the room, turning off the light. Heading to his own quarters, he fought off tears, not wanting to believe anything could have hurt his seahorse so bad that he had a breakdown in the thought of others finding out.

Once he got into his room, he sat on his bed, tears falling freely, "Oh please tell me he wasn't....please tell me he wasn't..." Apollo chanted, he refused to believe it. He didn't want it to be true, because if it was it meant Percy had more scars and it hurt to know that even though Percy went through hell, he was willingly to talk about that slowly, yet this was worse. He wouldn't matter one word about this guy. What was worse than literal hell, what the hell did that guy do for Percy not to want to talk about it, but he would talk about the Pit....

By the time everyone woke up, the Fates showed up, "Are we ready?" Everyone nodded hesitantly. The Fates sent a flash through the room and they were now in 3 year old Percy's room with his mom, behind her was a walrus looking man.

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