Chapter 16

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Layla POV

I tried to move around but it felt as if something was holding me back. Finally managing to open my eyes I looked around the room and memories of what happened last night with Raye flashed through my mind.

I turned towards a sleeping Raye and smiled before removing her around from around my waist. Walking into the grey and white bathroom that held a tub in the middle. I walked over to the shower and turned it on before getting in.

Putting my braids up in a bun before stepping closer to the water. In the middle of washing my face I heard yelling but couldn't figure out what was being said.

I got out and grabbed the grey baggy shirt that was folded up on a rack that held Raye's smell "Don't go up there Samorah" I heard Marcus and Raye yell. Covering my body I rushed out the bathroom and just in time the bedroom door opened.

Running behind the mysterious girl was Raye and Marcus, they stood there looking at me "who the fuck is this!" the loud girl I now know as Samorah yelled.

"Samorah just fucking leave" Raye said with anger in her voice, Raye began to walk over to me a guilty look written on her face but I took a few steps back not wanting her to touch me. "So this who you been ignoring me for" Samorah attempted to push Raye by her back but she didn't budge.

"Raye...who the fuck is this?" I started to grow angry but at the same time sad. Everything was moving in slow motion for me feeling as if I was on a roller coaster and it was getting ready to drop. My heart felt like it was dropping into my stomach

That's exactly how I feel right now. "Layla I can explain" Raye attempted to come closer but I moved back again shaking my head. "Don't fucking touch me".

"Wait are you fucking pregnant!?" Samorah yelled "Nya you got her pregnant?!!" Samorah kept yelling. "Nya?" I questioned confused at the name that she said.

"Wow you fucking with a bitch and she doesn't even know your name?" Samorah laughed slowly walking towards me. "You got about no more chances to call me bitch" I stepped in front of her.

"Hope you're baby dies bitch" before I could smack her Raye beat me to it. "Get the fuck out don't you ever come back and if you do I'll kill you bitch". Marcus pushed Raye away from Samorah walking her out the bedroom.

I stood there staring at Raye...or should I say Nya. I chuckled trying to keep my tears in, gathering my clothes off the floor. I couldn't see as the tears started to blur my eyes. "Layla don't leave" Raye begged me but I ignored her looking around for my phone.

"Fuck you" I harshly spoke. "Let me explain everything to you...please" I turned my head fast causing my braids to fall out of the bun. "There's nothing to talk about" I calmly spoke. I refuse to hear anything that comes out of her mouth.

She walked over towards the door locking it and leaned against it. With my stuff in hand I tried to push her out of the way but failed given that she's stronger than me. "Please move" shaking her head rapidly Raye still refused to move.

"Move out the fucking way...I'm seven months pregnant do you think I want to go through something like this" I said with a shaky voice feeling the tears roll down my checks. I feel so fucking stupid and embarrassed, here I am thinking something good would happen between us. But in the end I ended up getting embarrassed. Words can't describe how dirty I feel.

I punched Rayes chest repeatedly crying at the anger and pain. "Layla stop" she spoke but I refused to wanting her to feel the pain I felt in this moment. "Fuck you" I spoke reaching to slap her face.

In a swift motion she grabbed my hands and pulled me into a bear hug "let go of me" I cried moving around in her arms. "Fuck you got some bitch up in here threatening me and my child. Do you honestly think I want to be around you right now!" I yelled still trying to get out of her hold.

I gave up trying to get out of her hold and broke down feeling my tears soak her shirt. "I'm sorry" she held my head and rested her head onto of mines. "I'm so sorry my love" she kissed the top of my head lingering her lips there. No matter how hard I tired I couldn't stop the tears.

Pulling back Raye held both sides of my face occasionally wiping the tears off of my cheeks. She leaned in to kiss me but I didn't return the kiss keeping a straight face. "Let me explain Layla" she spoke with a shaky voice.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath looking into her eyes I spoke "There's nothing to explain Raye...I knew what I was getting myself into we're not even together so there's no reason why I should be acting like this" I removed her hands from my face.

"I'll keep in touch about the baby and once again we'll figure it out from there" I smiled sadly and reached for my clothes and phone that dropped. "Wait don't go" she begged following me out of the bedroom.

Walking down the stairs I saw Marcus siting on the couch. He got up and moved towards give, showing me pity through his sad smile.

"I'll drive you home" He spoke resting his hand on my arm. I silently agreed and thanked with a smile. Marcus went to go grab his keys and shoes and I walked out the house deciding to wait outside for him. "Layla" Raye spoke, I turned to her but she just stood there not saying anything.

"I- I'm sorry" I shook my head "no you're not". Before she could say anything else Marcus came out of the garage, walking to his car I got in the back telling him my address.

During the ride I cried while looking out the window, rubbing my stomach. I felt sorry towards my baby. Sorry because I'm bringing here into a messy situation where both of her parents aren't even together.

I'm pretty sure she heard all of the yelling and felt my emotions somehow because all she did during it all all was kick me and move around. The main thing I was afraid of came true. I can't even understand why I'm so hurt.

I don't know Raye that much to be why am I hurt? She has every right to have sex with whoever she wants. I can't stop her at all. It feels like everything is all over the place and I can't focus on one thing.

Learning that her name is actually Raye, figuring out that the girl from instagram is actually someone important due to the was she acting. It feels as if I don't deserve anything good because when I finally have a breather or good time something always happens.

Marcus stoped in front of my apartment building "thank you" I said "no need to thank me...just give everything time" before I got out I looked at him through the rearview mirror "there's nothing to give time safe" I spoke before exiting the car.

Walking into the apartment I saw Kia on the couch, all of sudden I started to break down and she rushed to me, hugging me as she circled my back. "It's okay" she spoke softly.

So I stood there letting every single emotion out as she hugged me giving me her comfort. "It's okay" she repeated rubbing my head. She made me sit on the couch and I cuddle into her side as she held me the best she could.

Later that night Raye blew up my phone but I ignored it, watching movies with Kia and soon my sister joined in.
Hope you enjoyed❤️
Sorry for the mistakes
See you next chapter my loves 🤍🤍

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