Chapter 2

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Layla POV:

Two years later

Hearing the loud music and seeing the sweaty and drunk bodies move together made me impatient for my shift to be over. Wiping down the counter and looking around the bar I have been working at for almost a year now made me wonder what I would do if I didn't move out of the toxic household I once called home.

"Excuse me" two drunk girls yelled stumbling on top of each other and other people. "Yes" I reapplied. "Can we get 10 shots of tequila and 5 shots of henny please". I looked at them thinking they didn't need anymore more drinks but still continued to make them. "Here you go" I yelled handing it to them. They walked away trying to balance it on the way to their table.

"Layla" my boss called out. He's an old man who pervs on all the female workers here but I learned to ignore him. Sighing and rolling my eyes I looked at him and answered "yes?". "We're short staffed and i need you to stay a little longer". I looked at him and nodded slowly saying a quick "okay" and going back to work. This is going to be a long fucking night.

Throughout the night more people kept on coming in and the smell didn't get any better. There's been a couple a guys and girls trying to talk to me but I just ignored them and continued to do my job. "Wow you sure are one good looking lady"

I continued to make the drink for the costumer on my right. "When do you get off maybe we can do some thing if you know what I mean" he said his friends cheering him on must have made him want to continue. " I know you hear me black chocolate". I almost threw up in my mouth at the name trying not to smack the shit out of him.

"Hey why don't you get the fuck out or shut the fuck up" Some lady in a red dress said, sitting next to her friends. The men then left saying things under their breath.
"Thank you" I said.

"No problem are you okay with walking by yourself we can drive you when your shift is over if you want" The woman said making me shake my head no. " that's okay I don't live that far" I replied


After a 8hr shift I finally got home walking into my apartment seeing my roommate Kia on the couch watching a movie with a blanket rapped around her.
"How was work" Kia asked

"Eventfully and fun as always" i replied sarcastically
"I'm going to bed I don't have work tomorrow but we do need to go grocery shopping so wake me whenever you want to go" I told her before walking into my room. Changing into a t-shit and boxers before letting sleep consume me.

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