Chapter 12

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Raye POV

I stood in the mirror making sure I look decent enough for when I go pick up Layla.

Checking the time I realized I should go get her now, but I just couldn't shake this nervous feeling.

My phone went off indicating I had a message.

I rolled my eyes realizing it's from Samorah. Putting her messages on dnd, I grabbed my phone and keys finally ready to go pick up Layla.

Arriving at her apartment I wasn't sure if I should go to her door or wait in the car. So I opted to stay in the car and text Layla to tell her I'm outside.

Soon she was walking over to the car, taking in her outfit she had on brown baggy pants, a white shirt the hardly covered her stomach with white Converse shoes.

"Hey" she said sitting down out of breath, sounding as if she about to start hyperventilating. I chuckled lowly and she stopped her movements to look at me.

"What's funny" rolling her eyes in annoyance she turned away from me mumbling about some bull shit.

"Speak up" I said teasing her.

"Are you really going to bother a pregnant drive before we're late bitch"

Starting the car I looked over towards her "I'm starting the car because I want to not because you told me too" she laughed and looked into her phone.
After a quiet 25 minute car ride we finally arrived at the doctor, before Layla could open the door for herself I gave into the urge of opening the car door for her.

She looked up and smiled at me saying a quick 'thank you'. While she walked up to the front desk I opted to sit down and wait until she came back.

"Are you nervous?" She questioned me with a teasing voice.

"Tuh me nervous? Never" I shook my head knowing deep down inside I was nervous as hell.

"Mmm...if you say so" I was going to say something but the calling of Layla's name made me stop.

In a very awkward silence we followed the Man into the room and sat down after being told to wait for the doctor.

"Your energy is making this awkward" Layla laughed, sending a fake glare at her she playfully rolled her eyes.

"You know if you keep rolling your eyes there going to get stuck like that" I told her noticing that she's always rolling her eyes.

"Yeah yeah if you say so"

"Hello Layla is good to see you again" the doctor said walking in.

"Who's this?" She asked looking towards Layla then me.

"Oh Um this 'Raye' the mom or dad I guess" Layla said unsure.

I looked over at the doctor "I have a penis" I shrugged my shoulders and started to bounce my leg.

The doctor stood there for a minute before saying something "okay well I'm Doctor Lee and I am in charge of looking after your baby girl"

I shook her hand and leaned back into my chair, watching as she told Layla to lay on her back and lift her shirt.

"Okay so we're going to check on the baby to see how's she doing"

I watched as she put the gel on Layla stomach and soon my child appeared on the screen.

I stood up at the sound of a heart beat and stood next to Layla. Through my blurry eyes I noticed Layla wiping her eyes. I quickly wiped mines feeling a foreign feeling of dare I say happinesses.

I can't believe I'm having a baby.

After the sonogram the doctor left the room leaving me and Layla alone once again.

She was beginning to wipe the gel off of her stomach but I took the wipe and wiped it for her.

Seeing a faint blush on her cheeks I chuckled and threw the wipes away.

"Got emotional over there huh" she stated, looking over at me smiling.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I hated when people saw me cry except for Marcus.

"How do you feel?" Concern clear in her voice. I thought about how I felt and honestly I felt excitement, happiness and confusion all at once.

"To many emotions" I simply answered

"Understandable"she moved on to a different conversation and I'm glad she did.
When we left the doctor I managed to convince Layla to let me take her to get something to eat.

We stopped at a small diner, so here we are sitting at a booth across from each other. I looked around the small diner. Noticing that there weren't so many people here, the 1950's themed diner had checkered floors, blue and pink walls with white chairs and tables.

The neon lights bringing out a vibe as if you're in a movie scene.

"Why did you want to come here?"
Layla asked me not looking up from the menu.

"Because I'm hungry and I want to get to know're having my child it's only right we build a bond". While that is the truth I always wanted to get to know her on a different level, relationships aren't my thing but she makes me want to test the waters once again.

I know I haven't known her for a long time but there's just something about Layla that makes me want to have her close.

"I guess you have a point there" she gestured with her hands.

The waiter came and took our order, while I just went with a soda and burger, Layla ordered for both her and the baby because she decided to get two burgers, fries, a milkshake and ice cream.

"You are going to have to take the biggest shit ever" I said shocked that she ordered that much.

"It's not me, it's your greedy ass baby that wants it" I laughed at what she said shaking my head.

"So Ms.Player tell me about yourself" Layla said giving me her full attention.

"There's not that much to know...I'm 28 years old, I have one brother and was born and raised in Atlanta" I decided to tell her the basics opting to not tell her about being in a gang.

"Okay well...I'm 27 years old, I have one sister, I was born and raised in Brooklyn until I moved here in Charlotte." I took in the information not removing my eyes from her face.

"You know your staring is really creepy" she told me but I continued to look at her.

"Well my love it's hard to look away from someone as gorgeous as you" And it's true Layla is a sight you wouldn't want to look away from.

Her smile has me in a chokehold and the way her eyes are blunt and always has this glint to it. The color it's self has it's own story to tell.

Hopefully are baby comes out with her eyes and features.

"I'm sure you say that to everyone" she said dismissing my complement.

"No just you Layla" I told her with honesty.

I sat up straight and let the waiter put our food on the table saying a quick 'thank you'. Watching her trying not to smile.

Why is she making me feel this way?


Hello loves ❤️❤️
I hope you are enjoying this story so far. I'm not really sure if I'm doing good.
Please comment what you think about it so far and make sure you vote.
See you next chapter❤️❤️❤️

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