chapter 5: a close call

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Disclaimer this chapter includes
Self harm
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We arrived at school finally. We walked through the doors, I looked around for tk as Peter followed.
"Huh, that's kinda odd, tk isn't here."

"Who your little green haired friend?"

"Yes, his name is tk, use it."

"Alright fine tk, whatever, I really don't like him."

"And why is that?"

"He's cocky and rude to me."

"Oh shut up, your the one to talk" Peter went silent after that. My phone started buzzing, it was tk. I picked up the phone.
"Hey tk, where are you?"

"I'm at home, I won't be there today"

"Awe, why not?"

"I got hit in the face with a ball while playing softball and I might've broke my nose" he giggled, he sounded all stuffy like he had a runny nose.
"Damn tk, are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah I'm okay y/n thanks for asking"

"No problem tk, cya when your better"

"Cya y/n" he hung up. I was halfway to class when Peter stopped me.
"I don't feel like going to class, wanna skip with me?" I slightly sighed
"Oh what the hell, sure why not." He nodded and we started walking to the cafeteria.
"Hey, uh y/n, quick question."

"Yeah? What's your question?"

"Do you vape, or smoke?"

"Yes, not often though why?"

"Wanna go to the locker room and vape?"

"Sure I guess" we walked in the hall way for a while until we reached the locker room.
"You sure there's no one here?"

"Positive, I do this all the time." We walked in making sure no one was around, he was right, it looks like no one's been there in years. We sat down and he pulled out two vape from his back pack and handed me one. We took hits from them before an small alarm went off.
"Are you fucking serious? They installed nicotine detectors"

"Apparently, oh wait I have an idea" I grabbed his shoulder and we walked out of the locker room. We walked down the hallway quickly and went to my locker, I opened my locker and looked to see if anyone was there, no one was besides Peter.
"Don't tell anyone I showed you this" I grabbed a magnet from my locker and slid off the back panel where there was a hole in the wall.
"Hand me your vape and cigarettes"


"Just do it, do you want detention or not" he shook his head no and handed me them, I put them behind the panel.
"Okay here's the plan, act like I scraped my knee on the pavement and we're heading to the office" I grabbed a knife out of my shoe and sliced open my knee, I put the knife behind the panel and put it back. I shut my locker and acted like I was limping. Just then a teacher came down the hallway.
"What are you two doing out of class? We got an alert about someone vaping in the locker room"

"They scrapped they're knee on the sidewalk and I'm helping them to the office." The teacher looked at my knee.
"That looks bad, but I still have to search you two, then you can go alright?"

"Yes ma'am" we both said handing her our stuff, she looked through it and found nothing.
"Alright, you two have a great day, you are free to go." We started walking down the hallway slowly, she walked past us back to a classroom.
"Whoa that was fucking close"

"Yeah, good thinking back there y/n, but in all seriousness your knee does actually look kinda bad"

"I'm fine, I'll just put a bandaid on it, it'll be fine" we laughed a bit before walking back to my locker, I gave him his stuff back. We walked to the back of the school outside, we sat down in a hidden spot and started vaping again. There was no alarm this time.
"Hey y/n, thanks for saving us back there, you did a solid, detention here isn't all that bad, but you can't smoke and really do shit in there."

"What's detention like? I'd think you'd know it well." I chuckled slightly, he elbowed my arm playfully.
"Oh shut up nerd" he laughed slightly smiling at me, I'm not sure what it was, but his smile was soft and comforting, I smiled back. We sat there for hours until we heard the lunch bell. We got up and walked back through the doors.

Word count: 756

(Peter x reader) A New BeginningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon