chapter 3: first day

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(Time skip to Monday)

I woke up a little earlier than usual, I checked my phone, it was only 6:30. I got up and put on a pair of black sweat pants, a grey T-shirt, and a black hoodie with a grey stripe I'm the middle.
I went down stairs, my dad and sister were sitting at the table.
"Hey y/n, your up early"

"Hello dad, yeah I didn't mean to wake up at this time." My sister didn't even notice I was there. She just glared at me. 'What's her problem?' I thought to myself. I sat with dad.
"Would you like a cup of coffee y/n?"

"Sure" he made me a cup of coffee, I just sat there and drank it and played on my phone.


I woke up at 7:00, put on what I usually wear, and walked down stairs. I sat at the table alone, my parents were at work. I ate breakfast and  texted y/n to see if they wanted to walk to school with me, since it was their first day at a new school, it is a bit nerve racking to not know  anyone. I sat there for about 5 minutes when I my phone vibrated, it was y/n, they said sure. I got up and walked out of the house and locked the door, I walked over to y/n's house.


I heard a knock at the door, I grabbed my stuff and walked opened the door.
"Have a good day y/n!"

"You too dad" I yelled walking over to tk.
"Hey y/n!"

"Hello tk!" I replied walking over to him. We started walking and talked the whole way there. I gave them one of my headphone buds so they can listen to music with me.

We got to the school 10 minutes after, I stood there in shock at how big the school was, I looked up in awe.
"You okay y/n"

"Oh uh yeah I'm okay, this place is huge compared to my old school"

"Yeah, it's that one public school everyone thinks is a private school" we laughed a bit before entering.
"Shit, I forgot my paper that has all my classes on it"

"We can go get another one y/n"

"Wait, you can? My old school wouldn't give us another one"

"Yeah come on" we walked to the main office, there's so many people. While I was looking over, talking to tk I slammed into someone and immediately fell.
"Jesus fuck" I looked up to see what I hit to see goth boy glaring at me.

"Watch where your fucking going nerd"

"Jeez sorry no need to be rude about it" I looked to the side just then I felt someone grab me by the hood
"What did you just say? Hey your the one I told to watch it 4 days ago"

"Yep, now please put me down, I'm just trying to go to the office"

"Whatever" He said laughing slightly before he drop me and walked away. Tk helped me up.
"What just happened? He usually doesn't just put you down like that" I did kinda find it odd but I just shrugged it off. 
We got to the main office and got my schedule.
1st hour: Poetry
2nd hour: Math
3rd hour: Geographic
4th hour: Art
5th hour: Science
6th hour: P. E
7th hour: Cooking
8th hour: English
I mean it wasn't the worst but also not the best.
"Hey we have the same first class"

"Oh wow, really? That's awesome" we went to class together, that damned teacher made me introduce myself to the class, but I was seated next to tk, witch was a great thing because I was confused on everything.

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I barely made it through the day, it was the last class of the day, finally, my happiness was short lived when I found out I had to sit with goth boy. It wasn't too bad, besides the constant glares I got from him. It went by quicker than I thought.
"Okay class, oh! I forgot to mention, we a group project assignment!"

Some kid raised his hand, "Can we choose our partner?"

"No you may not, your partner is who you sit at a table with" a loud sigh came from the class, I banged my head on the table. Great, I have to work with goth boy now, out of school. He glared at me and sighed.
"Alright nerd, your house or mine?"

"Idfk either one I don't care"

"Don't give me attitude, let's do it at your place"

"Yeah yeah whatever"
After class I caught up with tk and told him everything, sadly goth kid had to come with us home. After we got to my house I hugged tk and they walked home.
"Alright this is how this will work, we're just gonna do the project, nothing else. Got it?"

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes we walked in. My mom looked shocked by him

"Y/n who the hell is this?"

"He's my classmate, we had to be paired up for a dumb english thing"

"That's your classmate!? Jesus christ, alright go work on the project" I nodded walking upstairs to my room as he followed. We walked in, he sat on the bed and I sat on my work chair.
"Now that we're here, I don't feel like doing a project, what do you wanna do goth boy"

"Did you just call me goth boy?"

"Yep, now what do you wanna do?"

"I'm not sure"

"Well that's helpful" I looked over and realized I haven't hooked up my tv yet, "We can watch some Netflix?"

"Alright then"

"I have to hook it up really quick gimme a second" I hooked up my tv, turned on (favorite show) and sat next to him. We watched for a couple hours, I ended up getting tired and accidentally fell off the bed when I fell asleep.
"Owww fuck" I stood up as goth boy started laughing hysterically.
"Oh fuck off" I looked at the time, it was quite late.
"When do you have to be home?"

"I don't have a time, my parents don't like me around"

"That sucks, I have a spare room if you want"

"Alright" he looked a bit tired too, I brought him to the spare room. He lied down on the bed very quickly falling asleep, I went back to my room and watched the show for a little longer before drifting off to sleep.

Word count: 1106

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