chapter 2: getting settled in

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After going to my room I finished organizing the stuff I already had. I sat there on my phone waiting for the moving truck to arrive. After about 1 or 2 hours the moving truck finally came with the rest of our stuff everything was a mess, for my parents and sister at least, they forgot to lable whose stuff was theirs.
I went to my room with everything that had an lable on it. After everything was unpacked and organized we all settled down, it was dusk by that time I started to relax and drift off to sleep when I was jolted awake by the sound of glass shattering then the sound of my mom screaming at someone. I walked downstairs to see the kitchen window shattered, this kid my age with a softball in his hand, and of course my mom yelling at the kid.

"What's going on? Why are you yelling at him?"

"He was playing softball and shattered the damn window"

The kid looked nervous and overwhelmed, "Miss I'm so sorry, I'll pay for the damages tomorrow I promise" he said, his voice almost trembly.

"No call your parents i wanna have a wor-" I walked over and interrupted her

"Mom, it's okay he said he'd fix it let's just get this cleaned up and he can continue playing" I said putting my hand on his shoulder lightly

"Fine, just go, I'll clean this up, I don't want him breaking anything else"

"He won't I promise mom" I said walking with him outside. He had short green hair and seems like a nice person.

"Sorry about my mom, she is harsh on people sometimes."

"It's okay, thanks for having my back"

"Oh it's no problem"

"By the way my name is Tk, what's yours" he said holding out his hand gesturing for a hand shake.

"My name's y/n, it's nice to meet you Tk" I replied shaking his hand.
We sat on the patio talking for a little while until he got a call from his mother.

"Hello? Hi mom"

"You need to come home it's late"

"Awe, okay mom, I'll be there in a little" he hung up after.

"Y/n I have to go home, my mom's not happy with me being out this late, I'll cya tomorrow for the window" he giggled a bit.
I giggled too, "okay cya tomorrow tk" he then walked home.
I went inside, my mom was clearly not happy about me hanging out with him.
"Why are you hanging out with that kid?"

"He's a good person, by the way he's gonna drop by to give you the money for the window tomorrow"

"He better"

"Mom don't be rude please" I looked down walking up the stairs to my room, it was about 9:30, I just lied in my bed and drifted off to sleep.

           »»————>𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 𝘚𝘒𝘐𝘗<————««

I woke up the next morning, I went down stairs, sat at the table. Just then I remembered we had a pool. I immediately stood up and ran over to the controls for it, I filled it with water and turned on the heat for it. I turned around and walked back in the house to put on my bathing suit. After I got it on I was about to go swimming when I heard the doorbell ring. I answered it to find tk at the door.
"Hey y/n, is your mom around? I have the money"

"Yeah, I'll go get her" I ran upstairs and got mom tk gave her the money and was about to go home when I stopped him
"Wanna come swim with me in the pool?"

"As long as your parents don't care then sure" my mom nodded, I could tell she was mad. We went to the back and started swimming.
We played Marko Polo, volleyball, and a few made up games for a few hours until we got tired and soar from swimming, we went inside, grabbed some sandwiches for lunch and I brought him to my room. We sat on the balcony talking.
"So you just moved in yesterday?"


"Wow I feel horrible for busting your window on your first day here, I promise this neighborhood isn't that bad" we both laughed a bit.

"It's okay tk, it was an accident"

"Yeah, oh I forgot to ask, what school are you gonna start going to?"

"I'm gonna go to (schools name)"

"Wait really? I go to that place, it's a great school although there's some mean kids there like Peter, Michelle, Zack, and Isiah. They're the main ones. "

"What do they look like so I know to avoid them?"

"Zack has brown hair, black eyes with a mullet. He is about an inch taller than me, he's a country kid so he thinks he's all big and tough. Isiah has blue eyes and long blonde hair, he's about as tall as your dad but acts like a Pomeranian. Michelle has dirty blonde hair and red eyes, he's a little taller than your dad, he has anger issues."

"Wow they're that tall, aren't you like 5'7? And not to mention my dad's height, he's 5'10. What about Peter? What's he look like?"

"Peter has blue eyes and long black hair, he's about 6 feet tall, and he likes to dress Gothic."

"Wait what? Thats what he looks like!? I saw him yesterday, I stood up for him even, no wonder he was a huge jerk"

"You saw him? He usually doesn't hangout in public, that's kinda we-" tk then got interrupted by his phone ringing. It was his mom, he answered it.
"Hi mom"

"Where the hell are you? You were supposed to just give them that money and come back, your in so much trouble young man"

"Sorry mom, they invited me to they're pool" his mom sighed.
"You and your love for pools alright, if you start walking home now, you won't be in trouble"

"Yes mom" he hung up. We both walked to the front. He then gave me a hug.
"Thank you y/n I'll be sure to come over soon okay"

"Okay tk. cya!" We waved bye then he sprinted off home
I went back inside heading for my room when my mom stopped me.
"Y/n, wait I need to tell you something important."

"Yes mom?"

"I enrolled you in school, you're first day is Monday next week"

"Okay mom, thank you"

"Your welcome"
I walked up the stairs back to my room and sat on my bed

Word count: 1101

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