chapter 4: a little unknown mistake

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I woke up at about 11:45. I still can't believe y/n actually let me stay here. They're house is so much bigger and fancier than I anticipated, I walked out of the room seeing of anyone was awake. No one was, I walked over to y/n's door and slowly opened it. They were asleep, I did a mental sigh before walking in I looked over at they're alarm it was now 12. 'I spent 15 minutes looking around!?' I thought to myself as I kneeled down next to they're bed.
"Your so precious to me, and you don't even know it" I whispered putting my hand on they're cheek. Usually I don't have to worry about making too much noise, they are a heavy sleeper and they turn on music when they sleep.
"You'll be mine soon enough" they started to turn a bit, I panicked and just shoved myself under their bed. I heard them yawn, get up and walked over to they're bathroom.
I mentally panicked and stayed under there.


I woke up around 12:10. I had a small nightmare that's what woke me up. Some creature was starring at me and had they're hand on my cheek, it was a tall black figure with no features. After that I walked over to my bathroom, I didn't feel like thinking about it, after doing my business I washed my face, walked over to my bed and fell back asleep.


I was so surprised when they didn't notice me, I got out from under the bed. In they're old Town they would have seen me here, I had to hide in their closet back then. I think I should go back to the room they let me use, considering I almost got caught I shouldn't risk it. I kissed them on the forehead and walked out. I began to head to my room when I heard a door open. It was their dad.
"Who the hell are you!? Why are you in my house!?"

"Oh umm, I am Peter, y/n's classmate, we were paired up for an English project, they allowed me to stay the night in the spare room."

"So your the kid my wife was talking about, your really sketchy you know that, just go back to the room. Oh and if you lay a hand on my child your done for"

"Yes sir, I understand" I quickly walked back into my room and shut the door. Y/n's dad is horrifying! I just lied down on the bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up drenched in sweat, I had one of those falling dreams where I fell into a sink hole, it wasn't real I took a deep breath and looked at the time, it was only 6:00, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I walked to my bathroom, they won't care if I took a shower, right? I got into the shower and started it, I ended up getting lost in thought and took way longer than I intended. I got out and it was 7:00
'I took that long of a shower!?' I thought getting dressed quickly. I ran out of the bathroom to find Peter sitting on my bed waiting for me,
"The hell are you panicking for dumbass? It's only 7:05"

"Usually I leave at this time!"

"Relax for crist sake, it's not like your gonna be late, school starts at 8:30" I took a deep breath and calmed down, he was right it wouldn't hurt to not arrive as early as I usually did.
"Let's go down stairs and eat breakfast."

"Is your dad gonna be eating with us?"

"Uh, yeah, why wouldn't he?"

"Your dads fucking scary"

"Why do you think that?"

"Last night I got up to use the bathroom. He told me, 'lay a hand on my child and your done for' in the hallway and called me sketchy"

I sighed and facepalm myself.
"I'm sorry about that, he doesn't like new people. He thinks I'm gonna end up like my sister, she dropped out of high school when she was my age"

"Why's he think so lowly about you? Your a great person y/n. I don't say this often or even ever, but your a great friend."

"That's nice of you to say, now come on let's go" we walked out of my room down stairs, we grabbed breakfast and headed to school.

Word count: 762

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