Ch 9: Answering!

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3rd person Pov:

Currently Izuku and Pneumbra are at an world called Cereus where the prayer know as Vivren who just received the power to become the Hero of Cereus.

An: check the original chapter to understand what happened.

The two then go to another world once business is finished on this world.

Meanwhile at Earth.

Location: I Island.

This island is governed and managed by David Shield

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This island is governed and managed by David Shield. At the moment he is currently talking to All Might and Green Telek through a phone.

David: "So. What exactly do you need from me?" He ask a bit angry yet kept his cool.

All might: "We need you to create a device to subdue the villain Hatred so that he will answered for his crimes against our daughter" he said.

David: "Both the, probably, world and myself had saw what he did to Izumi and even if I managed to create a device he can easily escape" he said.

Inko: "We know David but both him and his adopted son Anastasius are a threat to everyone" she said.

An: bullsh*t they are only a threat to Union and you!

All might: "By the way how's Melissa?" He ask which David sigh.

David: "Honestly, she fine but due to yours and Union actions she refused to talk to 'heroes' same with Eri and Kota" he said.

Inko: "They've been like this for two years now. Can't they just let the past go?" She said causing David to get angry more.

David: "You took away Izuku, an father figure to both kids, which thanks to him, they were on the verge of trusting 'heroes' but now you all push them back to square one. Since then they have hate heroes" he said.

All might: "Even so, we can't let Hatred and Anastasius keep what they been doing. They're" he try to say but David spoke.

David: "Bringing back the time when humanity was once great. Nowadays you 'heroes' only care nothing but yourselves, glory, fame and powers. While the poor, powerless and other species like faunus means nothing to you lot" he said.

Inko: "David please we need to band together" she try to say but David spoke.

David: "Oh that rich considering how f*ck Union and you lot became. Toshinori, I thought you, as All Might, would be better than the current 'heroes' but now I was wrong" he said.

All might: "David" he try to speak but David spoke.

David: "Only my friends call me David. You and the other 'heroes' will refer me as Mr Shield" he said surprising the two that he no longer considered them friends.

Inko: "David wait!" She try to say but David hung up on them.

David: "Why must the world be so unfair to those without powers? Why must humans suffer?" He ask himself.

???: "It because corruption can cause nothing but pain and misery to everyone who won't submit" a familiar voice spoke causing David to turn around.

Standing in front of the door is Hatred himself but behind him are Melissa, Eri and Kota.

David: "Hatred why exactly are you here?" He ask.

Hatred: "Atlas and a few 'heroes' will invade this island soon so I'm going to help you defend" he said surprising the four.

Melissa: "Why?" She ask which Hatred chuckle softly.

Hatred: "Let just say my adopted son Anastasius is someone you four knows and care deeply about" he said.

Suddenly alarms went off which the screens reveal five Atlas ships entering I island territory.

David: "We have no choice but to trust you Hatred" he said which Hatred nod and press a button on his helmet.

Hatred: "Show time" he said.

Outside the building.

Before Atlas ships could attack a fleet of unknown origins appear and start attacking the five Atlas ships.

With no choice the Atlas ships defend themselves while All Might, Green Telek, Izumi, Ace Ops and Winter managed to get onto the island

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With no choice the Atlas ships defend themselves while All Might, Green Telek, Izumi, Ace Ops and Winter managed to get onto the island.

Harriet: "Where did those ships came from!?" She ask.

Winter: "... Hatred!" She yell realizing who is responsible.

Hatred: "Would you look at that Winter does have some smarts in her head" he said appearing in front of the Yagi family and Atlas elite.

Clover: "You will regret standing in the way of David Shield arrest!" He said and was about to attack but stop when Hatred just appear in front of him.

Hatred: "Pathetic" he said grabbing Clover by the neck and electrified him into unconscious.

Releasing Clover, Hatred then blow his hand of dust before glaring at the 'heroes' which cause them to flinch

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Releasing Clover, Hatred then blow his hand of dust before glaring at the 'heroes' which cause them to flinch.

Hatred: "Be prepared for the punishment of a lifetime pests" he said.

Union AU: Izuku The Betrayed Owner Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin