Part 5 (We're Here)

Start from the beginning

"CJ!" she heard her brother shout again. 

She killed the dead one in front of her and turned to see Tony fighting off two. He was holding one by its neck and pushing it away. CJ aimed and shot an arrow straight through its temple and Tony dropped it instantly. But before either of them could attack the other one, Tony let out a pained yell.

"T!" CJ screamed as she ran over and drove a knife through the top of the walker's head, and it fell to the ground. 

She knelt down in front of Tony and looked at the heavily-bleeding wound on his stomach... the bite. Tony was bitten.


"Hey, CJ," she heard as she felt someone gently shaking her arm. The vehicle had stopped. She opened her eyes and turned her head away from the window to see Daryl looking right at her.

"What's going on?" she asked in a slightly raspy voice as she blinked away the tears that had managed to build in her eyes during her dream.

"We're here," Daryl replied.

The grounds between the road and the entrance to the CDC was littered in dead bodies of the people that were put down when the world went to shit. The smell of the decaying flesh flooded CJ's senses. As the group approach the surprisingly clean building, they all had weapons raised. Shane and Rick were leading from the front with their shotguns, whilst Daryl and CJ were at the back, turning to aim behind them every few seconds. CJ had her bow with an arrow ready to fire as soon as needed and Daryl had his crossbow.

Once they had reached the doors, Shane banged his fist against them a few times, hoping someone would open them. But they stayed closed. T-Dog was looking around frantically. "There's nobody here," he called out.

"Walkers!" Daryl shouted as two walkers were approaching the group from behind them.

As if it were choreographed, Daryl and CJ stepped forward and both aimed their weapons, shooting their arrows at the same time. Both of the walkers dropped lifeless to the ground.

Glenn and T-Dog both raised their guns and shot at the undead that were coming from another direction.

"You brought us to a damn graveyard!" Daryl yelled.

"He made a call," Shane defended.

Daryl shot back, "It was the wrong goddamn call!"

"Shut up!" Shane grunted, shoving Daryl's chest. "Ya hear me? Shut up!"

"Where are we gonna go?" Carol asked, fear lacing her voice.

"We can't be this close to the city after dark," Lori stated, talking directly to Rick who was still staring at the sealed doors and ignoring everyone.

"Fort Benning, Rick. Still an option," Shane said.

"Forget Fort Benning Shane; we need to go now!" CJ called out, shooting an arrow at another walker.

"We'll think of something!" Rick replied.

"Let's get out of here! Come on let's go!" Daryl shouted to everyone.

"Everyone back to the cars now, let's move!" Shane called out. Everyone turned to head back.

"The camera! It moved," Rick said suddenly, causing everyone to turn back to him.

"You imagined it," Dale spoke hesitantly.

"It moved."

"Rick even if it did, it's an automated device. It's just winding down. Hey man look around you. This place is dead. You need to let it go!" Shane yelled at Rick, desperately trying to make his friend see sense.

Ricked pushed Shane aside and banged his fist on the doors again. "I know you can hear me! Please, help us! We have women, children. No food, hardly any gas left. We have nowhere else to go. PLEASE!"

Lori cried out to her husband as she held onto Carl tightly, "Rick! There's nobody here!"

"Come on brother let's go," Shane grabbed Rick again and spoke in a quieter tone. Rick finally allowed Shane to turn his body away to head to the road, but he kept his eyes on the camera above the shutters.

The group had only made it a couple of steps before they were stopped in their tracks by a bright white light revealed itself from behind the now open shutters. Rick was right. There was someone in there. Everyone stood still for a moment just looking into the light in shock and awe, before they cautiously started walking toward it and into the building.

CJ had no idea what was going on and neither did anyone else. As she walked through the light into the building behind the rest of the group, she couldn't help letting out a small sigh of relief at the thought of not being stuck outside in the darkness of the city anymore.

No matter what was in store for them in here, it couldn't be anything worse than what was out there.

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