Izuku followed behind as he physically restrained from cutting off Chisaki's head.

When he arrived at the lab he noticed how things were off.
Like how the chair was missing, how the jars of freshly cut off skin were missing, and how things looked to be cleaned in aim of hiding something.

"See, you're allowed to inspect anything you'd like"
Chisaki said with a golden smile.
It was evident that he was nervous.

Izuku looked at the ground where the chair used to be, "something used to be bolted here huh?"
Izuku said as he pointed. There were obvious marks that were poorly hidden.

"Ah no, I had accidentally spilled some chemicals there a while back and it left that mark"

"Oh? Be careful then, seeing how it damaged the floor, it could probably take your skin off"
Izuku said inconspicuously.

"Thank you your majesty..."

Izuku opened up the cabinets and searched for the jars of skin, they were missing entirely as were lots of other things.

"Aren't the cabinets a bit too empty?
Chisaki, are you sure this is the room you use to conduct your experiments?"

"I recently ran out of supplies. Though I've ordered some more and they should be coming soon."

"That'll mean a second inspection will have to be held.
Some chemicals are illegal here after all."

"I can assure you it's nothing illegal"

"I legally can't take your word for it"
Izuku said with a chuckle as he finished off searching through the room.
He couldn't find anything in there specifically, but he knew exactly what to do.

"Chisaki, during the meeting earlier today you said you'd test these bullets out on prisoners.
Everyone knows the Duke has a dungeon where prisoners are locked up.

So please escort me to the dungeon and explain to me the crimes each prisoner has done so I can determine whether or not testing should be allowed on them."
Izuku said, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"The dungeon?"
Chisaki said, his chest tightened as he felt his mouth run dry.

"Yes, where you keep the prisoners locked up.
Escort me down there and explain the crimes of each prisoner."
Izuku said with a forced smile.

"...okay then.
Please follow me your majesty"

Izuku followed chisaki all the way down the stairs alone, he could feel something was entirely off.
It grew especially suspicious when chisaki took off his newly put on gloves.

"Something's off.
He might attack any moment now.
Sirius, go call for Dabi and some of the other royal guards in the area here to come to the scene immediately.

He's going to attack.

When he does, I'll knock him out and I'll need someone to escort him from there so we can have a public execution"

"Alright, I'll be quick"
Sirius said as he quickly left.
There was an easy way to call for them without revealing he was a dragon.

We're here, the very bottom floor.
I'll explain the crimes now"
Chisaki said as he slowly opened the door and allowed for Midoriya to walk Infront of him.

Izuku noticied as he locked the door from the inside, he was right.

"This is prisoner Akari Tsuki.

He kidnapped and killed over 30 kids and abused his wife.
He's also known for selling on the black market and using the equipment he's made for evil."
Chisaki said as they walked further into the dungeon.

Royal Lethality Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora