George walked over and placed the two baby pups on the lounger.
"Wait here while i make some food." He hummed.
"Can you watch your siblings zuma..? I just need to make food"

"Okay mama" Zuma nodded, smiling happily as he pulled himself onto the lounger.
"I'll watch them mama.." he sat next to them.

George smiled as he walked towards the kitchen.
"Let's see what we have." He grabbed a few apples- maybe he can make apple slices and peanut butter.
"These will work just fine"

He thought he could cut a few apples up and give them to the pups, and probably make a snack for Dream as well, make him in a better mood.

George looked around the kitchen, finding an apple corer and knife eventually.
"Here we go!" He began to core the apples, placing the cores on a towel.
"God he has everything here."

He sliced them up and placed them on two different plates- organizing the two plates.

"There." George put more apple slices on the other plate- Dream would have a bigger appetite then zuma.
"Now.. where did Dream put there bottles." He glanced around, seeing the bottles.
"There.. thankfully he put them somewhere I'd find them"

He grabbed them and began making the drink for the younger pups- filling them with milk and heating it up.

"Zuma- would you like peanut butter with your apple slices...?" George looked over at zuma, shaking the two bottles before placing them in the microwave.... God- who knew taking care of pups was hard.

"Yes please mama." Zuma nodded, sitting on the lounger happily.
"I want peanut!" He gasped, looking over at George.

George hummed as he took the bottles out of the microwave, giving the bottles too the pups right after.
"I'll be back with yours zuma." He walked over, opening a cupboard, grabbing the peanut butter.
"Oh, that was easy."

He scooped some out and placed it on the plate, making sure there is an even amount.

"Zumie, do you want to give this to your father..?" George walked over, handing the plate to zuma.
"You can ask if he wants to play"

"Okay mama!" Zuma knew where dreams office was, so it would be easy.
"I'll bring food to daddy!" He held the plate, smiling happily.

"Alright, let him know we are in the kitchen." George Ruffled zumas hair, hopefully the blonde listens and gets out of his study's.

.: zuma and Dream POV :.

Zuma wandered down the hall, holding the plate in his hands... hopefully Dream is in a better mood now.
"Daddy..?" He noticed the office door was open.

He poked his head in, looking around at the office... but before he walked in, someone spoke up.

 but before he walked in, someone spoke up

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


"Where is it???" Dream looked in different boxes, stressing out.
"Come on.. I can't have lost it."

"Dude.. calm down." Punz huffed, looking at Dream.
"Phil's family is out getting more food now- and everyone else but Karl and Sapnap are getting more furniture, you don't need to stress."

"I can't help it Punz." Dream ran his fingers through his hair, looking out the window.
"I'm trying to get business working again as I have the end of the week before I have to go to the Casino to meet some people about shipments.... And everyone is scattered everywhere."

"Have you tried asking George?" Punz cocked a brow, crossing his arms.
"You can always talk to hi-"

"I tried once he woke up- but he was quite mad at me, which was understandable at that time." Dream took a deep breath, looking at his work.
"But the second time I got really frustrated and I came off too aggressive- I pulled him off the ground and I didn't have the patients to listen."

"So both of you are whining." Punz had an unimpressed look.

"Well- he has the right not to help me after what I did." Dream sighed, looking at the paper work on his desk.
"I did ignore him when he tried talking to me and I just drugged him to sleep."

Punz stared at Dream.
"You did what.." he blinked, did Dream really put George to sleep.
"Jesus dude-"

"I know- he has a right to be pissed off at me, but he didn't give me much of a choice.. he wouldn't get out of the car." Dream leaned forward, resting his hands on the desk.
"I had too."

"Damn- you owe him one hell of an apology." Punz laughed, shaking his head.
"Take a break and go talk to him." He made his way back towards the door.

Zuma looked up, seeing Punz.

Punz blinked- seeing the pup.
"And spend time with your kids." He pat the top of zumas head before leaving.

Dream was puzzled but just stared at his work, reading through it.
"I'll see.."

"Daddy..?" Zuma looked over once Punz left, seeing the stressed alpha.

Dream looked over, seeing zuma.
"What are you doing in here zuma..?" He spoke in a soft tone.
"I thought you were with your mom."

"Mama made you apple slices!" Zuma held the plate up to Dream.
"With.. pe-peanu-peanut butter!" He smiled- holding it up.

Dream softly smiled, taking the plate from zuma.
"Thank you zuma." He placed it on his desk, grabbing a slice and handing it to zuma.
"Here you go."

Zuma gladly took the slice.
"Will you come play..?" He frowned, looking up at Dream.
"Please... mama wants you too"

Dream glanced around his office, as much as he needed to work and unpack his office- he has to eventually make up with George.
"In a bit." He frowned.

Zuma whined.
"You always say that.." he looked down, holding the apple slice.

Dream sighed.
"Okay." He nodded, picking up his plate.
"Take me wherever you wanna go."

Zuma grasped dreams hand, tugging at him.
"Come" he smiled happily.

I guess he has to make up with George now.

Total word count: 1430

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα