Chapter twelve

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(Rocky's POV) 

Bellamy tried to use his key card to open a door. We go to check for another way in when Raven's voice came in over the radio. 

"Bellamy, Rocky come in"

"We're a little busy here Raven" I responded. 

"You missed check-in. Did you find the source of the acid fog yet?" 

"We're making our way there now. It's taking longer than expected" Bellamy responds this time. 

"When we find it you'll know" I added in.

"I don't know enough to crack it on this end. You gotta give me something." 

"We're working on it." 

We try the card again and it doesn't work. "Somethings wrong" I say.

"What?" Raven asks. 

"My key card isn't working." Bellamy says. 

"That's not good" Raven responds. 

"We need to find another way in" 

"I'll call you back." 

"Mom." Belle says pointing in a direction of some men. 

"fu-" I look over to Belle. "Fudge." 

"STAY RIGHT THERE" They yell at us. "Hands in the air." 

"We are totally gonna stay right here and let you capture us." I say sarcastically before running away with Bellamy and Isabelle right behind me.

The guys started screaming in the radio how Bellamy wasn't Lovejoy and how I was working with the sky kids. We kept running no matter what they said we just kept running. We found a place to hide. 

One of the guards was about to run past Bellamy knocked him out and took his gun. I searched his pockets and found his key card. We ran to the door and the key card worked, thankfully.


We went to Vincent for help. Bellamy knocked on the door. Once it was open he whispered "Vincent we need your help." Vincent pulled us in. 

"It's all over the radio. They know about you, not you Rocky. Did anyone see you come here?" He asked looking from Bellamy to me. Isabelle was hiding behind my legs still not trusting anyone.

"No. We've been keeping in the vents and unmonitored halls like you said." I replied.

"Vincent?" Someone said from around the corner. Bellamy pulled out his gun Belle her knife and I got into a fighting stance. Vincent went in front of him with his hands up in the air. 

"It's okay. Lee's with us." He tries to convince us. 

"Dante was like a father to me. Some of us don't agree with Cage's agenda." Lee says with his hands still up. I'm like a human lie detector I could tell he wasn't lying. I relaxed my stance a little while Bellamy kept his. 

"Where's Jasper, Monty, and Maya? Bellamy asked. 

"They're okay." Vincent said. "Thanks to Lee we moved them to a wing that's already been searched." 

"Isn't that a risk?" I asked a little confused. 

"We had no choice. They've gone public with what happened on level 5. They're saying you killed 10 soldiers." Vincent tries to explain. "I don't know how much longer we can keep this shell game going. Did you take out the acid fog yet?" 

"No" Bellamy replied. "No that's why we're here." 

"We're gonna need another route." I explained. 

"Way ahead of you. You can get there through the retrofit zones." Vincent pulls out a map. "They're off-limits." 


"No cameras, no patrols. We used some to move the kids." He goes to get something. "And that's your other route. You'll also need this. An acetylene torch. Go to the northwest corridor."

We did what we were told. 


Bellamy finally got the vent off. We stepped out. We walked around to find out where we needed to go Bellamy stole a gun then made sure no one could get in. We radioed Raven. 

"Raven, come in. I hope you have a plan." Bellamy said. 

"We're still working on it. Give us something to go on." she responded. "What do you see?"

"A huge steel vat, looks like a submarine. Some other tanks with chemical formulas." We started walking around seeing what could be useful. I hadn't been around much technology since I got to the ground so I don't know what most of this stuff is or what they look like. 

"Warning labels." I noted. "A bunch of pipes going into the wall" 

"A monitor." Bellamy was gonna keep going until a voice I didn't recognize cut him off. 

"Oh. Go to the monitor." The voice said. 

"Hello to you too." Bellamy said. We go over to the monitor. 

"Don't mind Wick. He's not really helping." Raven said. 

"Hey, Bellamy. How's my boy Monty doing?" The boy Wick asked. 

"Fine, yeah." Bellamy responded. 

"Not for long if we keep up this chit chat." I butted in. 

"Great pleasantries are over. If that monitor is a control panel, we can use it to kill this thing. Look for a Ph scale." Wick said

"Right, it has a scale but the rest... S3, V2, O5, H2, S2, O7. Can I Just blow this thing?" Bellamy asked wanting to get this over with. 

"No" Me and raven said at the same time. 

"No, they'll know their defenses are down. They'll send a tech to fix it, reroute it, or pull out a weapon we don't even know about." Wick explained why not. 

"Plus, you'd probably melt your face off." Raven said. Bellamy sighs. "look, you know I like a good explosion but we gotta think our way through this one. We can do this. Here we go." 


"Okay, uh 'Level indicator'" Bellamy says. 

"No" Wick says. 

"Do you see an actuator anywhere?" She asked. 

"We have no idea what that is." I said after Bellamy looked at me. 

"Come on, what else?" Wick asked. 

Bellamy started to list of more names while wick says no. While Bellamy continues to talk to Raven and Wick I continue to look around. I look down at Belle to make sure shes okay. She is. When I walked back to Bellamy he told me that we did it. That we completed our main mission. 


While Bellamy made sure everything  was going right I made my way to get some of Belles stuff. 

"Isabelle are you sure you're okay? You haven't been talking much" I pointed out. 

"I'm okay, I just can't wait to see mama again." She said smiling. I smiled too knowing she was talking about Lexa. I have been away from my girlfriend for way too long and Belle has been away from her mama for way too long. 

I give Belle a hug. "Okay lets go." 


A/N: I finally updated. I haven't proof read this chapter so please point out mistakes I won't get mad or anything I promise. 

Please enjoy this chapter. 💖

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