Chapter seven

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(Rocky's Pov)

After everything that happened last night I decided to go with bellamy into mount weather.

Right now I'm with lincoln and bellamy. Lincoln is putting blood on his face.

"So we make it to the intake door without any of the real reapers seeing us. What happens than?" Bellamy asks

"I kill everyone and you slip inside. Limestone?" Lincoln replies.

Bellamy gives it to him.

"What about Rocky?" He asks again.

"The people in the mountain know who I am. They love me I'll use that to my advantage." I reply

"How do they know you" he asks. Will that boy ever stop asking questions. I let out a deep sigh before starting my story. 

"It all started when I was 16" I began. 


I can't believe I let myself be captured I should've listen to Lexa when  she told me not to wonder to far from trikru but I did I let my curiosity get the better of me and fell right into the mountain men trap. Right now i'm with Belle she's still 4  and i'm still 16. I wanted to show her some glowing butterflies but they took us. 

It took a while but i finally got the people in the mountain to trust me. The president is like my father and his son is like my brother. It was really easy tell them my tragic back story throw in a few tears and bam you get whatever you want. It's been a couple of months since I've been in the mountain and I think it's time for me and Belle to leave. So that's what I'm doing now trying to convince them to let me leave. 

"Come if you don't let me leave Lexa will start a war and that's something you and me both don't want" I said trying to convince them to let me go. 

"I will not loose my daughter to those- those people" He said. 

"Hey watch it they are still my people and still my friends." I said in a dangerously low voice. 

"Fine you can go but you have to leave Isabelle as an insurance you'll be back." My so called brother said. 

"What no i'm not doing that." I nearly screamed 

"You don't have a choice." With that everything went black. 

                                         --------------------end flashback------------------------ 

"Than everything went black I woke up in the woods and found my way back to Lexa." I said finishing my story. I kept it short on purpose not really liking to talk about it. 

"Let's go" Lincoln says. "We got a lot of ground to cover before dark." 

"I need to know what happened after the intake door." Bellamy says. 

"They remove your clothes." he starts. "Blast you with boiling water, then douse you with something that burns even worse." "And then we were sorted. The others were tagged "harvest" I was tagged "Cerberus," turned into a Reaper."

"Cerberus. Three-headed dog that guards underworld." Bellamy says. Me and Lincoln looks at him. "My mom read mythology to us all the time. Octavia loved it." 

We stayed walking in silence until Bellamy said. " You're good for her. You mad her strong." 

"She was already strong." Lincoln said. 

"Hey I need to ask you something." Bellamy said stopping. "You protected my sister before you even knew her. Why?" He asks.

"I was actually wondering that too." I said looking at Lincoln. 

 "When I was a boy... I saw a ship fall from the sky. Like Ravens. The man inside was hurt, his body broken. I couldn't get him out." He started. 

"Suicide by Earth." Bellamy cut him off. "I heard the stories in the guard. I just didn't know they were true." 

"I brought him food, water. I didn't speak the enemy's language yet. So i couldn't understand him, but I wanted to. So on the third day, I told my father. He made me kill him. The worlds been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember. " 

"That's why you were so excited when I came to live with you." I stated more than questioned. 

He gave me a small nod. "Lets keep moving." He started to run. 

"Wait" Bellamy stopped him. " The parking garage where we found you it's north that way." He said pointing in a different direction. 

"There's a mine entrance closer to where the Reapers hand us over."  Lincoln explains. "We go into the underworld when we have to. Not before." With that being said we followed Lincoln the right way.  


"The mountain has many eyes between here and the tunnels. From now on, details must be exact." I say.

"What if we run into real reapers? Wouldn't they wonder where you've been?" Bellamy asks. 

 "All they see is the Red. Once you take it nothing else matters. Just how you'll get more." Lincoln explains. 

"How much do you remember from when you were on it?" Bellamy asks yet another question seriously this kid and questions how is Lincoln not getting annoyed? 

"Everything. Turn around." He instructs both of us. 

He puts a stick/log on both of us and tie us up. 


We were running through the woods and we finally made it trough the tunnel. 

"Come on lets do this."

We make our way inside. 


We were walking until Lincoln stops.

"Why are we stopping." Bellamy asks. 

"Give him a second." I say seeing the injection bottle on the floor. Lincoln steps on it. 

"You okay?" Bellamy asks. 

"As soon as they open intake doors we attack. Do not let is close" Lincoln replies. Me and Bellamy nods. "Once they're all dead,l you go in. I'll make it look like you escaped. And Rocky will find someone she knows. Once you're inside"  

"I know" Bellamy responds. Lincoln looks at me and I nod. Suddenly we here Reapers. 

"Another Raider party." " We have to go back." "Go back? No way." 

"Three maybe four. We can fight our way through. We'll never get a better chance." Bellamy says.

"I thought I could do this, but I can't" Lincoln says. 

"He's not ready." I say to Bellamy. "If worse comes to worse I'll walk in through the front door."

"Okay it's over." Lincoln finishes. 

"No it's not." Bellamy said being the stubborn boy he is. "We can join them." Lincoln shakes his head no. "Listen to me. When they bring out the Red, you grab it, and run like hell. The Reapers will go nuts, the Grounders will run and Mountain men will have to deal with it." 

"No one will be look for Grounders running into the mountain." 

After that I stopped listening Bellamy and Lincoln got into a "fight" and now me and Bellamy are both tied up. 


A/n: I updated Yay! I'm sorry I haven't in a while when ever I try to pick up my computer to do anything but read wattpad stories I end up doing that anyways I still have a bunch of school work I need to do. ughhhhh. Pray for me I go back to school this Friday and all my work needs to be done by than or i'm going to be really confused. 

From a warrior to a leader | Commander Lexa.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat