Chapter ten

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(Rocky's POV)

"Ark Station do you read me?, Anybody there?" Bellamy said into the radio.

"Bellamy, you're late. Every three hours means every three hours." We heard Clarke respond. 

"Are you through?" I asked. 

"Have you found the source of the acid fog?" She asked answering my question without answering my question. 

"No that's gonna have to wait," I said. 

"What? No. Nothing is more important than that. " Clarke replied. 

"Our friends are. They've started taking them from the dorm." Bellamy says. 

"One at a time, every few hours," I say this time. 

"Taking them where?" I hear Raven asks. 

"We don't know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level." I reply. 

"Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss and we're still trying to find a way in. Anything?" Bellamy asks. 

"I think I found a path but it's gonna be tight," Maya said. "Here's the walkies Raven asked for and the earbuds" 

Raven wanted to make us mobile so we can talk to them from anywhere. 

"Bellamy you have to find them," Clarke says. 

"That's the plan." 

"I'm helping too," I said hating that Clarke only directs things towards Bellamy. 

"If you don't, all of this is for nothing." She said ignoring me again. 

"Yeah" Bellamy all but whispered. 

"I'm gonna try and make my way towards the dorm, sneak in when the doors. open." I tell Bellamy, We both nod and I make my way towards their dorm. 


Bellamy ended up coming with me dressed as a guard. He handed me about ten knives that I quickly hid on my body. 

Bellamy walked in with everyone while I ended up waiting until they left to walk in. 

Bellamy made sure he was the last one to leave the room. He left the room cracked so I could easily slip in. I did just that. 

"What are you doing here." Someone asks when they noticed me. 

"Your plan of forming a line was a good Idea this time we need a bigger plan. When it comes to people's lives any and everything is a weapon, look around the room, find a weapon. Strongest people in front weaker in back, lets go we have no time to waste." Deciding not to argue everyone did what I said. 

I walked up to jasper, "I know Bellamy gave you a gun don't pull it out unless it's an emergency." He just nodded.  

I walked up to Isabella and gave her a knife, she may be seven but as soon as I met her I made sure she knew how to do more than protect herself. It may seem rough but living in a world like we do there is no time for mistakes. 

Isabelle took the knife and walked in the middle of everyone knowing I wouldn't want her in the front. I gave her a nod before going to the back. I didn't want the Mountain Men to know I was against them just yet. 


"What's taking Bellamy so long?" Monty asks. 

"I don't know," Jasper replied. 

"Maybe they caught him," Miller says

"No," I said. 

"Bellamy will figure a way out. I know he will." Jasper said. 

"Jasper It's already been four hours," Monty says. "The guards will be back in any second."

"They're gonna take someone else." Harper states.

"Enough with the negative thoughts. If you keep thinking that it might come true." I say having enough of this conversation. 

"Listen to me. Everyone, we stick to the plan. They're not taking anyone else out of this room without a fight." Jasper says. 

"That's what I'm talking about. That's the type of spirit everyone in here needs to have." Right after I finish my sentences the door buzzes.

"Get ready." Me and Jasper say at the same time. 

Guards walk in with the doctor not that far behind. The doctor walks up to Monty. "This one" She points at him.

"No," Jasper says. The guards ended up getting him anyway. "Hey get your hand off him." Jasper pulls out his gun and shoots someone who was coming toward him. He just let them know we have weapons, not a smart move. We should've attacked when they had their backs turned leaving. 

After the shot landed on the bulletproof vest chaos erupted everywhere. I decided to keep myself hidden. It's too early to reveal myself.

The doctor walked up to Jasper.

"Take him instead." She said

"NO" Jasper screamed. 

"Jasper" Monty screamed. 

"PLEASE" Jasper screamed again. 

"Not Jasper. Let him go." 

"Leave Me!"

"NO, No" 

"Search the rest, Make sure there are no other weapons." The doctor said. 

"Yes, Ma'am." 

"You heard lets go" 

"Back Out." 

 Suddenly Alarms started blaring the men in the room started gasping for air.  We all ran out of the room. 

I spotted the doctor getting on the elevator so Me, Jasper, Monty, and Harper stopped it before it could close. 

"No, You can't," She said gasping for air. 

"I hope you know that you're incredibly special to us," Jasper said quoting what the doctor said to them before. 

She started screaming as her skin started to burn and she died a very painful death. 


A/N: You can yell at me all you want I deserve it. I promise I hate being inconsistent but I am anyway. It's like I want to post but I don't want to write (Mainly because I'm always reading Wattpad books).

Anyway I don't remember the doctor's name and I'm too lazy to search it up, please tell me what it is so I can change it later. (When I finish the whole book series I will go to every chapter in every book to edit some things so please point out  my mistakes.)

Luv you all, Thanks for still being here.  Until next time. 

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