Chapter one

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I don't know how long we've been kidnapped and taken to the mountain. I was locked up in a cage along with anya and countless others. We were each taken to be drained of blood. Two at a time some they would stop when there's only barely enough blood to survive and some were not so lucky.

I had just woken up when I saw clarke trying to open mine and anya's cage. She tried to get us out when tsing walked in. I don't know what happens after that because I passed out.


I woke up to hearing clarke and another's woman's voice. I couldn't help but groan as I tried to get up.

"She's waking up, get the guards in here." The woman said.

"That won't be necessary." I heard clarke say. I opened my eyes and saw the woman I never wanted to see again. My mother. I couldn't help but scoff before I sat up.

"Clarke how many times have I told you not to trust people you don't know anything about?" I asked not wanting to be there.

I slowly got up before abby went to protest. "You've lost alot of blood if you use to much energy you will die." She said.

I scoffed again before replying "Now you care if live or die." Before she could respond I asked another question. "Where's Anya?" I asked looking around. Both abby and clarke decided that was the time to say quiet. "Clarke where's my mother."

"A guard shot her on the way in." Clarke says before looking down.

" Which guard?" Before anyone speaks a guard walks in. I heard her say something about movements and that it wasn't grounders. Either way I got up. It could either be my people or Octavia either one is fine.

I saw her by the gate and started running fast to her. As soon as she saw me she ran too. "Tavia!" I yelled why she yelled "Rox." Next clarke came and ran into bellamy arms

"Glad you're ok" she said to both of us. I just nod.

"You two." Clarke responded. I ignore the rest of the conversation and just try to walk out.

Suddenly I have multiple guns pointed at me.

"Hey what are you doing." Octavia yelled.

"Stop get away." Clarke screamed

"Take the prisoner to lock up." Abby said.

"You know I never thought I could hate you more." I said she looked at me confused. "I was wrong." The guards started to pull me away. " If anyone tells her who k am I will rip you tounge off and take you to the commander. That includes you too clarke." I say as I was being pulled away.


I don't exactly recall how big now I'm walking with the others on the way towards my village where finn was.

We took a short break. They rest while I watch our surroundings. By the time I came back they were ready to go.

It starts to get lighter and lighter outside.
We were head towards the village Octavia and I leading until Octavia stops. "This is it?" Bellamy asks I nod. " Which way to the village?"

"O?" I asked

"The reapers came from there." She said pointing her voice cracking a little. "I couldn't save him bell." Bellamy pulls his little sister for a hug as she cries. I look at them than clarke than the ground wishing that I could've had that bond with clark- no what am I saying I don't need anyone especially not clarke kom skaikru.

There moment was ruined by gunshots. We all started running as fast as we could towards the village as more and more bullets went off. Since I was the fastest I got there first but unfortunately got shot. Pulling myself together I crawled over toward Nyko and artigas who was like a little brother to me. The feeling in my stomach hurts real bad but that did not stop me from throwing punches at finn. If it wasn't for artigas' farther I would've killed him.


By this time skaikru was gone I was already stiched up and on my way towards polis.....

A/N: sorry, some of the chapters are going to be long some are going to be short like this one. One episode equals one chapter but since rocky isn't in all scenes it has to be shorten or made longer.

Word count: 747

-as always love you 💕😘

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