Chapter five

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I followed Clarke to camp Jaha with just was two guards for Finn and four there to make sure nothing happens to me. 

When we got in Clarke shouted to close the gate. Other things happened but I wasn't paying attention I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. Being a shadow. 

I walked into where Lincoln was and heard Octavia talking. "she can't expect us to just hand over one of our own people. Would she do that?" She asked.

  "She wouldn't let her people die to protect a murder." Lincoln said "if you don't do this she will kill everyone in this camp."

"There has to be something else that we can offer." Abby spoke up.

"Finn took 18 lives. My commander is asking for one in return. Take the deal." I said making myself known. 

"How can you say that." Clarke asked. "Finn was the first person to come to you to offer peace." She said to Lincoln. "And he stopped bellamy from coming to look for you." She said towards me "He's your friend" She said towards both of us. 

"He massacred our village." Lincoln said. 

"The dead were our friends too." I finished.

"Who even are you-" Abby asked but Clarke cut her off.

"But that wasn't finn, you know that's not who he is."

"It is now" I respond

"We've all got a monster inside of us, Clarke." I said.

"We're responsible for what it does when we let it out." He finishes

"What will they do to him?" Abby asked.

I left when lincoln started to explain. I walked towards the gate.

"OPEN THE GATES" I yelled. The guards didn't listen so I nodded towards my guards who were supposed to watch me. They raised their bows and pointed it towards the sky guards.

"I said open the gates." I repeated. This time they opened it.

One of my warriors handed me my horse. And I rode it towards my army. Thirty minutes later we started to chant 'jus drein jus daun'.

I walk towards lexa. "Heda it's time to blow the horn, let our warriors know it's time for war." I said.

She gave me a nod and blew the horn.

(…) Third Person

Night time fell and clarke came to talk to the grounders Indra points a sphere at her.

"I'm here to talk to you commander" Clarke says than walks more let the sphere break her skin. "Let me through" she says while trying to mask her pain.

"Let her pass" lexa screams in Indra complies.

"You bleed for nothing, you can't stop this" Rocky tells her.

"No only you can." Clarke says directed at both girls. Just than they bring finn out. "Show them you can be merciful." Clarke said looking at finn. "Show them your not a savage."
"We are what we are" Rocky and lexa says at the same time.

"Than I'm a killer, I burned 300 of your people. I slit a man's throat and watched him die. I'm soaked in grounder blood. Take me." Clarke begs.

"But finn is guilty" Rocky says.

"No he did if for me, he did it for me."
Clarke cries

"Than he dies for you" lexa responds

"Can I say goodbye?" She asks. Lexa nods.

Clarke runs to finn and kisses him.
"I love you too." She says

"I'm scared" he admits.

She hugs him than puts a knife in his stomach. "Your gonna be okay, you're okay"

"Thanks princess" he says before he takes his last voice.

The crowd sees what happened and gets mad.

"It is done" Rexa (the ship-name) says at the same time.

After that it was silent the only thing you could hear was ravens loud sobs.




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