Under the Wisteria (Logicality)

Start from the beginning

"I don't think she'll be of any more trouble, Patton," he said. "Thank you for putting up with her."

"It's just my job, sire." Patton stammered. "Besides, it's not difficult or anything."

"At least, it shouldn't be." Logan glanced down at Rose with a mock-glare. Rose giggled and ran back to Patton's side.

"I'll be good, I promise, Papa!" She said.

"Hm, alright." Logan gave her a grin. "Anyway, I'd better get back to my work." He gave Patton a slight nod. "Thank you, again."

"It's really no problem-" Patton started to say but Logan turned and left. He sighed a little, trying not to make his disappointment too obvious.

"You like him, don't you?" Rose asked slyly.

"What?" Patton stared down at the girl, his mouth open. "I- I don't know what you're talking about."

"You like him," Rose repeated. "You like my Papa."

"Princess, I have no idea what you're talking about," Patton insisted.

"Are you going to marry my papa?" Rose asked casually. Patton nearly choked on air. "He wouldn't mind it, you know. He likes you too."

"Rose, you are incorrigible," Patton said. "Now, come on. We need to get back to lessons."

He likes you too. That was ridiculous. Logan was married. Had been married. And Miranda still meant so much to him.

To think that he could even... No, it was too ridiculous to even think of.

Logan shut the door to his office and sat down at his desk.

"Right..." He picked up his pen and followed his sentence down to the end, trying to pick up his train of thought. It was rather difficult, seeing as his thoughts were now punctured with images of a certain tutor.

It was so rare for Logan to actually see Patton. He barely had time out of the day to see Rose and, when he did find time, Patton always melted respectfully into the background, sometimes even leaving the room. Sometimes, Logan wished Patton had a little less respect for authority.

It was all so strange. He'd only ever felt this way about one other person and, well...

Logan glanced at the photo of Miranda again. He shook his head and looked back at his work.

It was all so conflicting! He still loved Miranda, of course he did. Every day, he missed her. He missed her and her laugh and her smile and her touch and the way she talked. He missed everything. But Patton...

Patton was different. Something about the way Patton made him feel was different. It burned more. Burned his heart and the heat spread up to his head, his mind, until he couldn't think a proper thought around the servant.

It was terrifying. Terrifying how strong the burning was. No matter how much he tried to push it down, to squash it, it always came back. Sometimes when he couldn't sleep, sometimes just when he caught a glimpse of bright blue - Patton's favourite colour. Sometimes he'd hear something or see something and every thought in his head would turn to Rose's tutor.

It was terrifying but also... intoxicating. And that was what scared Logan the most. The fact that, sometimes, he didn't want the burning to stop. He wanted it to continue until it consumed him. Maybe then he'd finally be strong enough to talk to Patton. Properly talk to him. And maybe...

Logan didn't know. He put his pen down and looked at Miranda's photo. He leaned his head in his hand.

"What's going on with me?" He asked her. "What am I doing?"

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