Cuarenta y tres

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Miami, Florida
Two Days Later...
8:00 P.M.


A day after the incident, Farah had finally decided to wash her hands with the whole family drama situation. Even though she could go on and on and really hit them all where it hurt, she wanted to set an example for her daughter and unborn child. And if that meant biting her tongue and pulling out her petty card, so be it.

Treyton, on the other hand, didn't think that was completely a good idea. Of course he doesn't want her going back and forth, but he also didn't want her to start bottling things in.

While all of this was going on, the couple recently had another problem; Farah's father. He had started trying to contact Cicely to get to Farah.

Cicely was sitting outside on her porch one afternoon waiting on a friend to come see her. She had been feeling really lonely lately with the small absence of Farah and Treyton's little family, so she needed some form of company. She was informed of all that was happening so she understood.

I'm the midst of waving at the passing car owners who blew their horns in acknowledgment of her, a small green pickup truck pulled into her driveway. Cicely wasn't familiar with it, so she had her guard up as she watched the driver side door open up ever so slowly and dramatically. When she saw who stepped out, she immediately stood and tried to hurry back into her house.

"Wait! I just want to talk!"

Not turning around, Cicely's frail unsteady hands shakily tried to get the door open faster. She had no desire to even run into these people after she heard they had come back, and she wasn't feeling exactly safe at the moment.

Morris was not standing directly behind her and reached to touch her shoulder. When he did, Cicely violently shook his hand off. She turned around and gave him the nastiest look she could muster up.

"What could you possibly need? And why have you been calling my phone? How did you even get my number?"

"I just want to talk to you that's all. It's about Farah."

"Farah? Why are you suddenly concerned?"

Morris had to force himself to stay in character. He didn't want to mess anything up, but he also didn't think the older woman would give him even the slightest bit of a hard time.

"I just want to get back in her life. I know it's been a long time and I probably don't need to even be thinking about it after everything, but I really do miss my daughter. Please help me."

Cicely didn't even have to look in the man's face to tell that he wasn't being truthful. He was fidgety and looking around since he had gotten there; although he tried to be discreet.

"Why should I? She doesn't need any of you trying to ruin her anymore! Just let her live her life peacefully!"

"THAT'S MY CHILD! YOU- look, you already took her from me once, and I damn sure ain't letting it happen again. Now, tell me what I need to know or you'll really be in for a rude awakening."

"Well go right on ahead, son. Do it. I'm not telling you anything about MY baby. I had to pick up the pieces of that girl and be there for her when YOU left! So do it!"

Morris just stared at Cicely. He was close to losing his mind, and he was starting to disregard what his wife and daughter told him.

He stepped closer to her and gripped her throat with both hands. He leaned down to her ear, all the while she was gasping for air, and started talking in an almost sinister voice.

"I don't care what you did, what you think, or even what you know. She belongs to me, and I'm not about to sit around and let her just be "happy" while my family is struggling. She wouldn't be anybody without me and my wife, so we deserve all that she has. You're GONNA help me, and if you don't, that'll be your ass lady."

With that, he roughly let Cicely go and watched as she slid down in her porch chair trying to catch her breath. Her eyes had went red and she felt a lot of discomfort.

"Now, ma'am, I'll be back in two days. I hope you'll have something to tell me, and I don't want any bullshit. Don't make me have to hurt you, Cicely."

Not even giving the old woman a second glance, Morris turned away and walked back to the old pickup truck. He crunk the truck up, put it in reverse, back out of the driveway while honking the horn, and he disappeared down the road; leaving poor Cicely right there.

She was so shook and dazed that she didn't even notice her friend pulling in or rushing to her aid.

"Cicely! Cicely are you alright? Should I call your grandson?"

Not bothering to answer, she broke down. She started crying so hard that her small fragile body shook aggressively. Never had she been that scared a day in her life.

"I'm calling Treyton, Cicely! Right now!"

All she could do was nod and continue sobbing. She now felt as if she had to choose between her own life and the life of the ones she loved; she didn't like it one bit.

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